scenario: what would you do?


Dec 23, 2018
I was recently on an elk hunt and my buddy and I were hiking and 5 cow elk ran down and crossed our trail about 50 yards ahead of us. They saw us before we saw them and they were on a dead run straight down a mtn side. we had cow tags and I wasn't sure if we should try to track them or try to cut them off to where I thought they would go. I tried to cut them off by going around the next bend then down to a meadow I knew about with some water. They did not go there but now I'm wondering if it would have been smarter to try and track them but I'm thinking, elk on a sprint down a mtn and loads of thick pines, there's no chance we would be able to catch up with them especially with them knowing we may be a threat.
Would you have tried to follow their track hoping to catch a glimpse and get a shot or did what I did or something else? If I blew my chance go easy on me! I'm just trying to learn! ha
I'd say your best bet would have been knowing the area VERY well and knowing where they were headed when spooked. A spooked elk, especially already on the dead run and certain they are in danger, is gonna be really hard to catch up with. I think you made the right move and you went to where your knowledge said they would go, bummer that isnt where they went!
I agree with the others. But one thing I would add is that with busted elk, the last place I would expect to find them soon is in an open meadow.
Wasn't clear if you jumped them out just happened to see them spooked and moving. If the later, your best bet may have been to work their trail backwards or sit an open area on their trail. Elk often follow the path other elk have taken.
I like to think that elk don't run between meadows, valleys, or mountain ranges, they run between time zones. Few weeks ago we busted a small group with about 10 minutes left in shooting light. There were three cows and a spike. Into the woods they went and we heard them crashing along for a ways. Meanwhile we slunk (slinked?) back to the truck and headed back to the camp. After about 15 minutes (2+ miles) of driving, that same group of knuckleheads almost T-boned my truck still going at full speed. 1-crowflies mile away from when we saw them last. Time zones, almost. I'm not running after that, or trying to chase them on a mtn bike.
I like to think that elk don't run between meadows, valleys, or mountain ranges, they run between time zones. Few weeks ago we busted a small group with about 10 minutes left in shooting light. There were three cows and a spike. Into the woods they went and we heard them crashing along for a ways. Meanwhile we slunk (slinked?) back to the truck and headed back to the camp. After about 15 minutes (2+ miles) of driving, that same group of knuckleheads almost T-boned my truck still going at full speed. 1-crowflies mile away from when we saw them last. Time zones, almost. I'm not running after that, or trying to chase them on a mtn bike.
Elk can occasionally run a ways lol. Saw a herd cover 6 miles in very short order once. Not the norm though. They don't want to do that just like you and I don't want to run for no reason.
Only option to run down the elk on dead run is with 30 cal projectile going 3000 fps. Go with the off hand head shot. But be responsible and keep it with 700 yards. 😜
Wasn't clear if you jumped them out just happened to see them spooked and moving. If the later, your best bet may have been to work their trail backwards or sit an open area on their trail. Elk often follow the path other elk have taken.
Valid point! they were up feeding I believe or just walking some where. We came around a bend and saw them and as soon as we saw them they saw us and took off running
It was only 5 cows.......plenty of other elk out there besides just them. Let them run, and keep hunting.
I'm hunting in southern utah and in a unit that had a 1 percent success rate last season ( thats a go hunt stat so not sure how accurate it is). ha this hunt is one of those hunts that the state puts on to make money in my opinion. The unit just happens to be where I live so its just a fun tag to have but people rarely see elk.
I agree with the others. But one thing I would add is that with busted elk, the last place I would expect to find them soon is in an open meadow.
That makes a ton of sense! Dang I'm bummed I didn't think about that. haha
Busted elk will actually head for open areas sometimes to regroup.
well thats demoralizing to hear. That made a lot of sense that elk wouldn't go to an open area when running from danger. I guess I'll just go back to assuming elk are always unpredictable and all unicorns haha