Thank you Becca. I will do that. I think I got some moss in the filter that settled out in the bag. any suggestion for volume of water to backflush?
I can usually tell when it's been adequately flushed as the flush water runs clear and at a higher flow rate. The first water through the back flush is usually dirty looking, but it gets clearer as you go and starts to flow more easily. I actually find it really satisfying to see all the crud I filtered out go running down the sink
A word of caution, I have occasionally experienced what I think is an airlock in the filter after back flushing. I would back flush and then reassemble the filter inline and I could suck the water through, but it wouldn't drain to gravity. If this happens, i have fixed it by holding the filter horizontally and then sucking water through to re-prime it with water and get all the air out. On the one occasion where that didn't do the trick, I disassembled the inline set up and let the filter dry on the a dish towel over night and that seemed to solve the problem.