Savage 110 High Country update

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
Just a bit of rambling on my High Country from an older curmudgeon.

Put in a lot of time and study before purchasing this rifle in 300 Win Mag. All the pros and cons, rifle, cartridge and cost. Hoping I made the right decision.

After arriving at home with it, here are a few thoughts:

1. The rifle looks nice – camo and all the weather proofing. Action is smooth. Trigger 2.5 lbs - crisp. Nice surprises.

2. For physical reasons – gun stocks Length of Pull are always too long for me – Drop at Comb too low. With the added components provided in the box – in a few minutes - I was able to adjust LOP and DAC. This rifle now fits ME beautifully. Well done Savage.

3. Seems everybody wants a LIGHTER rifle and that’s what the manufacturers are giving us. Thank goodness - so much easier to carry. Right? Guess what? I know because I visit them - gun shops are full of hardly used “light” rifles. Why? I suspect recoil. With the many BIG GAME cartridges - as rifle weight goes down – recoil goes up. Simple math. Like you, I don’t like recoil either. 300 Win Mag? One reason why I chose this rifle was because of its bare weight – 8.5 lbs. All up – I’m at 10.5 lbs. Many complain – saying that’s too heavy. I say – if 2 or 3 more lbs are just too much for you – go to the gym. Your rifle will lose weight.

4. Bad weather is keeping me from the range. Handloads are ready. Rifle accuracy? TBD. Hopeful.

Thanks for visiting.

Have a good day everyone.
I have that rile in 6.5crd. One of my favorite rifles and shoots absolutely lights out. But a few hundred rounds through it and killed a handful of complaints.