Russia Attacks Ukraine

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Feb 3, 2022
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Ukraine. Before that Crimea. Georgia. Looks like Putin is getting the band back together for a tour. China gazes to Taiwan and wonders if is time now or wait a hundred years as they are more cautious than Putin.
There are greater demographic challenges in Russia that makes this timing important. Post USSR Russia was the smallest geographically it had been in over 100 years. The annexation of Crimea was a start to reclaim territory.

Furthermore the birth rates in Russia have plummeted in the last Decades, no longer growing a population, it’s shrinking daily. This does not bode well for their future economy.

Immigration into Russia is also negative. So realistically this is the strongest Russia will be in the foreseeable future… a now or never time and Putin’s last chance to build a new empire, strengthening Russia with Russians (separatists)
The Great Bear is awakening??? Any one that grew up during the cold war saw the real russia. Putin may be upset they did so poorly in the olympics (that no one watches any more). There was nothing like watching olympics with steroid fueled East Germans and Russians. It will be interesting to see what happens with this invasion? Move along now, nothing to see here.
Guess we're gonna see if we can take gold a 3rd time in WW3
I don’t know where this mindset comes from. I’m fairly certain there are no gold medals given to the tens of thousands of US military service members who would be killed in another world war. I come from a long line of service men and women and served three deployments to Afghanistan.

I don’t think any of my friends who were killed and injured ever received gold medals. Pretty sure my great great grandfather who spent 3 years as a Japanese POW in WW2 never received a gold medal.

I completely understand and agree that war is a necessary evil in society, but to quantify it as receiving a gold medal literally makes me sick to my stomach. There will be no winners to the service men and women who may be called to fight in this war and I hope we as a society understand the ENORMOUS sacrifice we are asking from them when and if we engage in this conflict.
If there is a new war in Europe, let the Europeans fight their own damn wars

pretty clear to me that our politicians/media personalities/financial elite could care less about the sacrifices our citizen soldiers make.

war, for them, is simply more viewership selling advertisements and more political donations from defense firms

they could care less about the service men and women
The United States will continue to play world police, the military industrial complex demands it.

We do not fight wars to win them anymore, we only fight them until it is no longer profitable.

A bunch of old men convincing young men to go and die for their causes...

I've lost more friends to the lasting affects of war, those scars that will never fade. These things are taken so lightly by so many it is very disheartening. I certainly hope we don't end up in this one, but I'm also nearly certain we will.
Anyone with at least two firing neurons should care about this . Unfortunately the last administration did nothing but boot lick Putin. Should we continue that? I’m not advocating the U.S. going to war with Russia. But I don’t think we should sit in our hands.
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We can send 3000 troops to help NATO and the EU. But, we cant send troops to our own southern border to stop illegal aliens (or as you put it "poor people") from flooding across our border and entering our country illegally...

I think thats what he was getting at....

Nobody was comparing human life to cruise missiles and tanks....dont be ridiculous.
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Are you saying that poor people looking for a better life is the equivalent of cruise missiles and tanks?

If those “poor people” come here, and create a bigger problem for the American people, such as make us poorer, sicker, less safe, etc etc

You damn right it’s equivalent.

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