Roksliders unite!

State laws vary on private property. In my state Nebraska the landowner owns the land underneath the water you can float the stream but as soon as you touch the land beneath the water you are trespassing. I usually float through with a Kayak which is perfectly legal. I've had a few disagreements floating a kayak through as landowners don't like this but in both cases the warden sided with me. What these kids are doing would be illegal where I fish and hunt.
Maybe when I am retired and bored my hobby will be committing acts of "civil disobedience" and fishing spots like this and taking the fight as far up the courts I need to prove the point.

Right now, it's just easier to not get involved. Which is exactly why they get away with things like this.
Shit like this always makes me laugh. I would bet that the dude that owns the club has at least once in his life complained about how "kids these days don't want to do anything but play video games" then turns around and does things like this.

The most sad thing to me is that the cop admits he has dealt with this problem for years but isnt willing to look into the legality of it. He keeps saying they have a chain across it...well I can go put no trespassing signs where ever I want, doesnt make it legal.

Kind of reminds me of growing up. My uncles, aunts and even grandpa would always complain about "kids these days not wanting to do anything." I remember one time my grandpa was like go toilet paper someone house. I told him that in todays world, that is considered vandalism and yes, people have been prosecuted for it. He told me how stupid that was and I was like yea, I agree maybe some of you older people should stand up to it because not many people really listen to teenagers on issues like that.
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people actually have fishing clubs to try and lock up the entire river?
This is very common, I see videos like the one above ALL THE TIME. Most of the videos are from the east or south. Out west it's different because of all the public land we have and access laws are different here.
That video is from about a year ago in Clinton Township New Jersey. I don't know the laws but the full videos suggests that the waterway must be posted but can be "owned". Officers didn't seem to know the law and weren't going to ticket the kids. I didn't bother to look up the rules.
I think the kids would do well to research the actual laws in place, rather than relying on a police officer who may not know the actual regulation. Or, at a minimum, speak with the local game warden. The landowner should do the same.

I live in a state where the water is not owned, but the land underneath it is.

I previously lived in a state where some waterways were publicly accessible below the average high water mark. Those streams were designated based on their ability to be navigated. Not all streams made the cut.

I believe Montana has a fairly generous stream access law.

In the case of this video, it seems to me that they probably knew that they were going to have a confrontation ahead of time.


A quick google search suggests that New Jersey (assuming the above post location is correct) also regulates non-tidal waterways in that the water itself is accessible, if floating. Private landowners own the surface beneath the water. Funny, that the landowner seemingly had not bothered to research the actual law in order to articulate why they were trespassing.
This seems very similar to corner crossing laws we deal with out here. These kids should get in touch with the Backcountry Hunters and Anglers and pursue legal recourse, BHA was one of the backers of the Wyoming corner crossing case. It is pretty murky when you start googling answers so it definitely needs some legal ruling applied.