Rifle Elk Hunt

Jan 20, 2023
Well I made it out to Montana Rifle season. Mostly DIY, got trespass lease access on ranch along Boulder River by MCLeod. Drew general bull tag with 2 pts. Got really lucky with the snow and cold pushing in with hunt timing and herd of elk came down from high country and into alfalfa fields along river. Stalked the feeding herd for 1.25 mile along edge butte over 6000 ft before was able to work down to saddle and watched two big bulls full tilt fighting , big bunch of cows, figure one was in estrus.. wind up butte to me. 375 yds on range finder. 6x6 bull walked about 40 yds kinda stumbling before tipped over and gave last kick. 30 06 175 grain federal terminal ascent. One of my coolest life experiences, at 67 yo have had a few. Montana is something to behold.