First time fully guided archery elk trip?

Do you know anyone that hunts elk regularly and could get you pointed in the right direction on a DIY hunt? Even 1 year under your belt will help you spend your money much more wisely...and build a couple points this year in a state or two.
Do you know anyone that hunts elk regularly and could get you pointed in the right direction on a DIY hunt? Even 1 year under your belt will help you spend your money much more wisely...and build a couple points this year in a state or two.
I don't know a single person. I'm from long island I know a ton of fishermen but not many hunters, especially elk hunters.
I don't know a single person. I'm from long island I know a ton of fishermen but not many hunters, especially elk hunters.

I've only hunted elk really have no help or opinion on how to approach outfitter style hunt.
As most would suggest - call references before paying any money.
Good Luck!
I seriously doubt you will find a good outfitted hunt for 4k. I also find it crazy that you would use an outfitter to learn the area and then go back and hunt it without them. I see no difference in that and asking for “honey holes” and specifics on certain areas. It also drives me nuts when hunters want to shorten the learning curve. Do your research, go yourself and learn. If you want to hire an outfitter and have a good hunt then go for it but don’t go back to their area and hunt the same area they are taking their hunters to. Granted, it could be public land but dang, that’s a bold move to learn their “honey holes” and then go hunt them yourself. Also, CO will be all draw for NR archery and if you don’t have points then you will either pay big bucks for private or big bucks for a unit wide tag in a state like NM. You also said you wanted to avoid NM. Like others have said, save your money for tags and learn it yourself.
A rifle cow hunt can be had for 2-3k. You will find very few outfitters offering an archery cow elk hunt. Cow can be harder to archery hunt than a bull in many areas.

I know if a couple archery any elk hunts in the 5k range in Wyoming but you will need several years of preference points.... and quite a bit of luck to fill a tag on those hunts.
Long Island. The prices of 8500-10K is wild but I’m learning this is an expensive sport. Maybe I should look into a cancellation hunt
For a guided hunt, you'll most likely not get your money worth without having some experience. A drop camp is another option. Those are usually $2k or so plus tip. It includes packing out your animal also. It puts you in an area with Elk and you'll be with other hunters.

Part of the enjoyment of hunting elk is doing the calling, getting the set-ups down, and learning what gear need, and especially what gear you don't need.

What I've suggested to other guys is to get some OTC experience, 3-4 years, and then if at that time you still want it badly, go for it.

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It’s a dangerous addition. I wasted 3 hunts with the same outfitter in Colorado . One year my bro got a 5x6 elk. So we are 1/6. Just get some references , try and reach out to the reviewers - that’s what I did . I should have seen the mud in the water after the first year . We were paying around 5500 per guy for a guided hunt . Some years we had lodging and some years we stayed in a hotel and the guide picked us up in the am . Good luck .