Review: Electronic Earplugs, By Larry Shwartz

There are earmuffs that are bluetooth capable and also provide hearing protection, but once again they can only hear what is being trainsmitted from a bluetooth transmitter. And, they are earmuffs, not earplugs.
So ranking the ones you tested...from best to worse?


That is a tough one, it really comes down to the feature set you are looking for in terms of controls and effectiveness.

In terms of effectiveness, the models that fill your whole ear are going to keep out the most noise. So, that would be any of the custom molded models (which are also the most expensive and start around $1000), followed by the Walkers In The Ear Silencers. The others "just" use plugs in the ear canal and don't fill the outer ear. But, like I said, the difference in effectiveness is small among the products out there, there isn't any mega increase from one to the other. The ones that fill the whole ear do provide more protection/shielding from the shock wave from a rifle going off around you, if you have ever experienced that.

If you want comfort, then the custom fitted models win there too.

If you want ease of use then I would go with the 3M Peltor TEP-100, the rechargeable model that they just added the picture of in the article (I forgot to send it in originally). They have easy to use controls, come with a wide variety of tips to choose from, and the case is also a charging unit so 1) you don't have to worry about the battery being dead when you take them out and 2) you don't have to worry about manipulating those little hearing aid batteries.

Hope that answers your question.

To add the your list of options for anyone out there looking for custom electronic earplug options, I recently purchased a set of 360’s from Sport Ear and I have to the say they are awesome! Last year I developed tinnitus in both ears extremely bad and am now crazy about wearing ear protection everyday as I work in the oil and gas business and am around loud equipment all day. They are custom molded in-the-ear plugs and have 4 different settings from enhancement to protection modes. I just received them a month ago so testing isn’t a whole lot yet but so far for work and around the house and a quail hunt they worked great. If anyone has any questions please feel free to hit me up. Just another option for those out there looking for the best

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To add the your list of options for anyone out there looking for custom electronic earplug options, I recently purchased a set of 360’s from Sport Ear and I have to the say they are awesome! Last year I developed tinnitus in both ears extremely bad and am now crazy about wearing ear protection everyday as I work in the oil and gas business and am around loud equipment all day. They are custom molded in-the-ear plugs and have 4 different settings from enhancement to protection modes. I just received them a month ago so testing isn’t a whole lot yet but so far for work and around the house and a quail hunt they worked great. If anyone has any questions please feel free to hit me up. Just another option for those out there looking for the best

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Sport Ear is another good company from what I have read. The custom molded, hearing aid like models that I tested were given to me for evaluation. I didn't have a few grand to put into my review, and you can't return the custom molded ones if you don't like them. But, the two that I did have were representative of what is available on the market.

I am glad that they are working out for you. Definitely a nice mix of comfort, effectiveness, and a rich set of features.

I would also like to know this. I didnt see a response so bumping this question again.

Josh and Mike,

Sorry for not replying earlier. I must have missed Josh's post. The answer is Yes, they are that good. They are comfortable, they work with pistol, shotgun, and carbine. They don't make things louder like the electronic products do, but I really don't need that at the range. Another thing they don't do is need batteries, which is a feature that I really like.

To give you a bottom line answer, the rechargable TEP-100's are what I kept on my nightstand for those 3:00 a.m. bumps in the night because they work great and I don't need to worry about the battery not having a charge. The Decibullz Percussive Filters are sitting on top of them now.

Thanks for the reply Larry. I'm new to these types of hearing protection and my plan is to wear them deer and elk hunting for the days I carry the rifle. When they're in your ears, how much do they reduce non gunfire sounds? Do they at all reduce your ability of being able to hear animals in the woods compared to not wearing them?

I didn't notice any difference in what I can hear on the range with and without them. Of course, I haven't used them out in the woods listening for chipmunks and squirrels rustling the leaves.
