Remington 700 Fires When Bolt is Closed or Safety Released


Oct 6, 2015
I bought a used Remington 700. It is a nice rifle but was extremely dirty when I purchased it. I cleaned the rifle and took it to the range and sighted it in. It functioned fine.

However, today I cycled the bolt and the empty rifle fired. The rifle also fired when the safety is released. Fortunately, the rifle was unloaded and I was only cycling the bolt.

I have read that cleansing the bolt may help, but I do not trust this rifle anymore. In fact, this thing scares the crap out of me.

If I install a new Trigger Tech or Timney trigger will it resolve the problem?
I bought a used Remington 700. It is a nice rifle but was extremely dirty when I purchased it. I cleaned the rifle and took it to the range and sighted it in. It functioned fine.

However, today I cycled the bolt and the empty rifle fired. The rifle also fired when the safety is released. Fortunately, the rifle was unloaded and I was only cycling the bolt.

I have read that cleansing the bolt may help, but I do not trust this rifle anymore. In fact, this thing scares the crap out of me.

If I install a new Trigger Tech or Timney trigger will it resolve the problem?
That’s classic dirty trigger and/or the sear engagement has been reduced too much by a weekend gunsmith - if you don’t replace the trigger, the existing trigger should be taken apart, cleaned and properly adjusted. Factory triggers aren’t that great so I automatically replace them. Even a replacement trigger will eventually need to be taken apart and cleaned, but it would solve your current problem.
Unless you just want to replace it I’d have a competent gunsmith check it out. A good one can make those walker triggers as good as anything on the market.

The ex-marks that were on the new ones were junk, that’s an automatic replacement for me
You saw the CNBC special right? Send it back. Or take 20 min and swap the trigger out yourself.
Never saw the CNBC special.

I was in upstate NY during deer season 20 years ago. Someone was handed a loaded 7mm and as he cycled the action the gun went off. He swore he didn’t touch the trigger and if I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t have believed him.

I heard about the recall.

My trigger is getting replaced ASAP.
I’m not sure I’d ever trust that rifle. A high school classmate of mine killed his brother on a bear hunt in Canada about five years ago. I don’t know the details, but I believe it was caused by a faulty Remington. Also, when I was a kid, I had an old single shot 20 ga that sometimes would fire when closed. My dad chopped it up so no one would ever be able to use it. In my opinion, nothing is worth taking a chance.
  • Unsure
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I’m not sure I’d ever trust that rifle. A high school classmate of mine killed his brother on a bear hunt in Canada about five years ago. I don’t know the details, but I believe it was caused by a faulty Remington. Also, when I was a kid, I had an old single shot 20 ga that sometimes would fire when closed. My dad chopped it up so no one would ever be able to use it. In my opinion, nothing is worth taking a chance.
You don't take a truck to the scrap yard because the brakes are you?
Never saw the CNBC special.

I was in upstate NY during deer season 20 years ago. Someone was handed a loaded 7mm and as he cycled the action the gun went off. He swore he didn’t touch the trigger and if I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t have believed him.

I heard about the recall.

My trigger is getting replaced ASAP.
Send it back to who? If you're talking Remington that Remington went bankrupt and doesn't exist anymore. The new Remington has nothing to do with the old now defunct recall or recalls for the Walker and or the X-Mark.
Gosh, you’re 100% correct. Forgot about that. A Timney or Trigger Tech is a simple swap and, while not perfect, they are far better.