Remington 700 adl for 184$ at Walmart

Do they have this online?? I cant seem to find it and they dont sell guns around here anymore at Wally

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk Put in your zip code near upper middle. Press "SKU Finder" in upper left and type "Remington 700". A list of rifles pops up. Click on whichever you are interested in, and it will open a list of stores and prices in a new tab. I'm hoping stores will go on clearance as the month passes. Nice .270 with scope in Georgetown, SC for $184.00.
Yeah, this is a somewhat "hidden" thing at walmart. First rule is never call them.

99% of the time the tag will say $470 or whatever the full or slightly marked down price is. If they ring it up, it will show the real clearance price. Sometimes it's a fight to get them to scan it as they say the price is what the tag shows. If brickseek says they have one...they have one. The gun inventory is never wrong. Sometimes they are put in the back and customers are told they don't have it.

Theres a few Savage axis rifles, mossberg patriot, and 700s on clearance. As well as remington 1187 semi auto 12g and 20g. Couple cheap pumps (I picked up a 535 for $130).

There might be a remington rebate as well right now.
I talked to the Assistant Store Manager at my Walmart in AZ. He said he thought only the stores in TX were clearancing their guns. I asked him to ring up a 270 for me, and it came up $379.99.

Anyone from some place other than TX buy one for $184-ish?
Got a 7mag yesterday in San Antonio. Looked like the only caliber on clearance. They had 2 when I checked brickseek and by the time I got there only one left. Thanks for the heads up on the brickseek site. I wasn’t impressed with the scope so I put a leupold 3-9x40 I had laying around on it. Headed to the range after work to see what a $184 rifle will do. I’m thinking a stock and maybe trigger upgrade if it shoots good?
There is a Leupold VX ii on clearance in some places as well. Somewhere in the $125 range. You could come out with a $800 setup for less than $300.

It's not a nationwide clearance. It is a store by store basis. Another round of clearance should be coming, so those with the guns in stock nearby at full price...just wait.
Me and my big mouth. Not sure if someone found out about it here, but I drove the 1.5 hours to Georgetown today to pick up one of the two scoped 270s they had on sale for $184. A guy was literally at the county having them pull both boxes off the shelf. And even though I asked real nice, he had to buy both. I can't blame him. But I hope I would have done differently if I was the one who got there first and had planned to buy both.

Next year if this thread appears I'm going to post some animal porn on it and get it pulled down. 🤬:giggle:
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There is a Leupold VX ii on clearance in some places as well. Somewhere in the $125 range. You could come out with a $800 setup for less than $300.

It's not a nationwide clearance. It is a store by store basis. Another round of clearance should be coming, so those with the guns in stock nearby at full price...just wait.

When does the second round usually happen?
I think the guess is within the next 2 weeks or so. Managers don't even know the date, it just hits the system internally. It also varies somewhat between stores. The ones without any markdowns might jump all the way to the new price...or never.

It's an adult scavenger hunt. I have scored pretty well over the last year - I could build a small fort out of $1 12 gauge shell boxes. The look on the employee's face when you say "all of them" when they ask how many boxes you want is priceless.
If brickseek says they have one...they have one. The gun inventory is never wrong. Sometimes they are put in the back and customers are told they don't have it.
I thought this was always the case as well but I went to a store that showed two of a certain gun in stock and bought them both. Brickseek still shows two in stock.
I thought this was always the case as well but I went to a store that showed two of a certain gun in stock and bought them both. Brickseek still shows two in stock.

Was that you who bought the two .270s in Georgetown? :cool:

Like I said, I can't blame the guy for buying them both. I see BrickSeek still shows 2 in stock there as well.
That’s crazy. Wonder if they actually had more than 2 to begin with.

I have seen it take 20 minutes to a day to update. But I have never seen the count on a gun ever be wrong yet. “Limited stock” actually mean they have one.
If the price is not 184 on brickseek, but is showing available does that mean they're on sale or does brick seek need to show 184?
I think the guess is within the next 2 weeks or so. Managers don't even know the date, it just hits the system internally. It also varies somewhat between stores. The ones without any markdowns might jump all the way to the new price...or never.

It's an adult scavenger hunt. I have scored pretty well over the last year - I could build a small fort out of $1 12 gauge shell boxes. The look on the employee's face when you say "all of them" when they ask how many boxes you want is priceless.

Great, now I'm going to be checking for shot shell prices every day, EVERY Day....
Yeah, this is a somewhat "hidden" thing at walmart. First rule is never call them.

99% of the time the tag will say $470 or whatever the full or slightly marked down price is. If they ring it up, it will show the real clearance price. Sometimes it's a fight to get them to scan it as they say the price is what the tag shows. If brickseek says they have one...they have one. The gun inventory is never wrong. Sometimes they are put in the back and customers are told they don't have it.

Theres a few Savage axis rifles, mossberg patriot, and 700s on clearance. As well as remington 1187 semi auto 12g and 20g. Couple cheap pumps (I picked up a 535 for $130).

There might be a remington rebate as well right now.

Went to a Walmart about 4 min. away. The old SOB behind the counter refused to scan the tag. Swore up and down that it wasnt on clearance and he has heard and seen every song and dance. So, I didnt get to see if it was actually on sale or not.
It is very hard to get them to scan it. They wait on it to mark down and they either pick up the fone or buy it themselves. This seems to be a new wrinkle to them.