Remington 700 adl for 184$ at Walmart

Brickseek says the local Walmart has an 1187 and an A17, but when I stopped, there were no guns in the case. It's like they don't even sell guns at this location. Anybody else run into this?

Most of the time you have to ask them to look around. There's a reason the item is still there, if it is still there.
All 3 of mine were not on the shelf. They were all in back lock up. Problem now is people are slipping them on layaway
Anyone get a nikon buckmaster 3x9 scope? That's the one I have struck out on a few times now. I have binos to trade or pay for them.
Tracked down a A17 bit the gun register is broke and they can only sell guns from that register...I will try again
Most of the time you have to ask them to look around. There's a reason the item is still there, if it is still there.
Ive been to 2 different wallmarts and they both had a 243 instock but when I got there they had no idea what the hell I was talking about. No 243s anywhere
I think early August is best time to get these deals. I made three trips to area Walmarts this week and got a $19 game cam, $30 Bushnell Bone Collector scope, and $30 Gamo pellet gun with scope. All the nice Nikon binos, guns, coolers, bows, have not been anywhere to be found, even after the employees looked pretty good from what I could tell.
Brickseek says the local Walmart has an 1187 and an A17, but when I stopped, there were no guns in the case. It's like they don't even sell guns at this location. Anybody else run into this?
I've been to several walmart that pulled guns from the front so that you have to ask. I think its a PR thing. Or changing policy as to what they feel is securely locked up.

I did drive an hour for the last 1187, but it was sort of sold. A background check got delayed so that it wasn't paid for, but essentially on hold until the background check cleared. A few days later the stock went to 0 on brickseek.
I've been to several walmart that pulled guns from the front so that you have to ask. I think its a PR thing. Or changing policy as to what they feel is securely locked up.

I did drive an hour for the last 1187, but it was sort of sold. A background check got delayed so that it wasn't paid for, but essentially on hold until the background check cleared. A few days later the stock went to 0 on brickseek.
Now as of aug 30 people have put some on layaway and the stores still show in stock. Sucks because it wont change until its sold and leaves then store
Was that last year? Have a sku?

It was a couple days ago. Guy definitely had to look way under the counter for it. I've known this employee for many years. The others I have dealt with lately have not volunteered anything and needed to be almost goaded to check under the counter for what I was looking for. I did it in the nicest possible way but would not let it go until they checked.

SKU 17163527. Bushnell Trophy XLT DOA 600 Bone Collector Edition Rifle Scope, Matte, 3-9 x 40mm. Not a high end scope, but certainly a capable piece of glass. For $30, makes a great gift.

They also have had the same scope refurbished on "clearance sale" for around $80. All of those I have looked for were out of stock.
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I got a $5 pocket knife today - It will make a good truck knife. Wish they had a spyderco there

Also got a $25 Lidcam - don't know why, but for $25 I figure I can gift it
DJI Spark Drones - $199 (showing $500 on amazon).
I picked up the following trail cameras this morning while looking for optic deals:
3 - Moultrie W-35is for $19/ea
2 - Primos Bullet Proof 2 for $13/ea

They had to get both out of the back.
Nothing new. Some stores finally dropped the prices on the savage axis rifles, but 99% of everything gun related is gone for the year.