Relocation out west

Elko, NV area has gold mines. Southern NV (Vegas) has lots of construction so diesel and heavy mechanics. Just beware that lefties have moved in and now there are enough to control all of NV and CO. If you can deal with cold and wind, definitely Wy.
Food processing plants all over the west are hurting for decent maintenance personnel. With your experience, you would likely start out at least at a supervisory level. Many would probably work with you on relocation as well.
I’m looking into relocation from Iowa to a western state. I don’t want to bore everyone with my life story but suffice it to say that this move has been my dream for quite some time. The issue I’m having is finding work. I’m an Industrial Mechanic by trade and finding a company willing to take a risk on a relocation hire for such a job is, understandably, quite a lot to ask of a hiring manager. I enjoy the industrial side but am also willing to possibly specialize as I have over 5 years experience in my current profession. Has anyone on here successfully made the transition and had a job waiting on arrival? I’m 28, single, no kids, and have become frustrated with the process. Ideally I would find work for an outdoor product manufacturer and join a team with a similar vision to mine that is conservation oriented but I would take anything with a good livable wage if the company was willing to hire me. Thank you in advance.
Might as well go farther left, sounds like you'd be a great longshoremen. The guys who work the port of Sacramento get to live a northern life free from the strife of LA and SF but make a damn impressive wage easily "liveable".
Come on out, glad to have another worker here in the golden state

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Dear lord! Going from Iowa to North Dakota is going from the frying pan and into the fire! I doubt anyone would consider ND 'western'.

I acknowledge ND is not as “west” as Bozangeles, from which I finally escaped after many years, but it’s closer than IA, typically better pay than MT, and the Badlands of western ND is very interesting country. Just trying to help a guy out.
I relocated to Sheridan Wyoming this past spring and it has been a fantastic move so far. I was also 28 and single with no kids so I figured it would be a great time to pack up and make the move. I lucked out and found my dream job so it made the move pretty easy. I cant say enough good things about Wyoming and the Sheridan community specifically. The manufacturing industry here is booming with companies like Weatherby, Vacutech, and Emit Technologies. If I was you I would take a good look at all three companies and see if they might be in need of anyone with your skill set. They are all growing exponentially and are always hiring in some capacity.
Sheridan is a great place. I grew up down the road in the Black Hills. Also an area that is worth investigating.
I acknowledge ND is not as “west” as Bozangeles, from which I finally escaped after many years, but it’s closer than IA, typically better pay than MT, and the Badlands of western ND is very interesting country. Just trying to help a guy out.

I feel you. But having been born in SD with relatives in ND, and due to the fact that my folks lived in ND for ten years, I would only be doing my duty to warn folks off from living there!:p Especially the northern part. One winter it was so cold that the batteries froze and broke in three of my folks' vehicles...while they were in the garage! Growing up it seems like every day of the winter when I checked the news/weather the coldest spot in the lower 48 traded off between International Falls, MN and Minot, ND. Mom worked for Avico (sp?) and during the cold snaps the employees would simply park at the plant and leave their trucks running til they got off of their shift (!).

To be fair there are parts of Montana that get pretty cold, too. I just cold thinking about ND, though.
Theodore and Woodrow Wilson, a Republican and a Democrat president oversaw the greatest shift in power in American history, from a land built on the belief that authority should be left to the individuals and the states to a bloated, far-reaching federal bureaucracy, continuing to grow and consume power each day. Both men were intellectually arrogant, anti-personal freedom, even racist progressive philosophy driving these men to poison the American system of government.

Of course, without ol' Teddy you'd probably be doing all your 'hunting' in a paved parking lot and our Natl Parks wouldn't exist. The entirely of the US would be owned by robber barons.
Additional considerations in selecting a state include housing costs, taxes (NV and WY have no income tax), sales tax, utility costs, etc.
Of course, without ol' Teddy
FYI none of Theodore's friends EVER called him Teddy. Google Teddy Bear and Theodore Roosevelt and you might learn something.
you'd probably be doing all your 'hunting' in a paved parking lot
Very sophomoric.
and our Natl Parks wouldn't exist.
Possibly, however Congress created the National Park service act that Theodore signed into law in 1916. Theodore got Congress to get this done and he signed the legislation. That's how it's supposed to work.
The entirely of the US would be owned by robber barons.
Do you mean robber barrons would own every single piece of land? There would be no private or public land? They would own my house? Hmmmmm Would robber barrons tax me? Restrict my freedoms and liberties like the Federal Government has?
Food processing plants all over the west are hurting for decent maintenance personnel. With your experience, you would likely start out at least at a supervisory level. Many would probably work with you on relocation as well.
This. Just out of curiosity I looked at Leprino Foods job opportunities because they have a plant in my hometown. Looks like they have multiple openings for your line of work OP, in several different Western states.
I suggest going FAR west like I did. Alaska has ALOT to offer. Lots to learn too, but it’s trial and error. There’s a great group of Alaskans using Rokslide who I’m certain would all not hesitate to help a newbie up here.

As for jobs, look in the oil field. A lot of 2 week on, 2 week off jobs up on the slope. No Idea exactly how mechanically inclined you are.

But I say full send on making the big move. I did it, and regret nothing. I met my wife here. So maybe actually think twice about it...yeah. No, ya know what never mind. Save yourself! Stay down south.

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I suggest going FAR west like I did. Alaska has ALOT to offer. Lots to learn too, but it’s trial and error. There’s a great group of Alaskans using Rokslide who I’m certain would all not hesitate to help a newbie up here.

At the rate things are going that might be the only place left to get out to the woods and not run into a lot of people!
Hey everyone, I apologize for the late response. I received a lot of good information so I’ve been making lists of areas and jobs that have been suggested. I’ve got a couple leads on good jobs so I’m still holding out hope that I can find something before winter hits haha. I’ll be sure to update again when I find something. Thanks for all the help!