Reloading Bench Pics! Post Yours!

I went with 38.5" Stand comfortably and reach all areas of the bench. Thought about going lower, which I can always change, but I will be hunched over with poor posture. I can always drop it if need be. Thanks for the feedback.
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Some sweet looking setups in here! Here’s my little nook in the garage, it ain’t much but it works. Will be a while before I get a space inside the house so I’m hoping one of these days I can install a heater/ac combo for comfort sessions. 😂 Pretty sure mine sits at about 39”, perfect for standing but a little tall for the stools we have at home.
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Old thread..but for those of you that built your bench what height did you go with?

Standard counter top height 36" or a little higher/lower?
For me at my height, 38” is about right. Comfortable for standing with the press elevated on a stand. And comfortable to sit using an adjustable height stool.

Room is a bit messy at the moment and still a WIP getting it set up. But can do what I need to in it.


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Well I had the fortunate experience of my basement flooding last winter and as a result, get to design a reloading room in the basement and build it on insurances dime. It's gone thru several iterations in planning, but this is the current plan. The room is 12'9" square plus a 3'x6' closet under a duct that I plan on stuffing the safe under.
Reloading room.jpg
Jesus, how did I miss this thread. I won't even post my little bench and organization, but it serves my needs. Some of you guys benches are beautiful. Looks like walking into the reloading section at a major shooting store.
I'm embarrassed. I did a mass reloading event a few years ago. Squirted my dies and tools with oil and walked away. Now my bench is completely cluttered with crap that people have given me. Brass, Walmart sacks and 1 gallon buckets of mixed up range brass, tire weights, ingots, the works. Ain't sending a picture :)
I'm embarrassed. I did a mass reloading event a few years ago. Squirted my dies and tools with oil and walked away. Now my bench is completely cluttered with crap that people have given me. Brass, Walmart sacks and 1 gallon buckets of mixed up range brass, tire weights, ingots, the works. Ain't sending a picture :)
🤣 Same. My pics are from when I first set it up. It’s way more cluttered now. Fixing the mess Saturday night and working on getting some hunting ammo loaded.
I built mine last winter in my woodshop I like it so far.


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What's the deal with InLine Fabrication? I'm building a reloading room and see you guys mention it a bunch...why do I want it?
They make real nice mounts for presses that raise the press up. I prefer to look straight in at my press instead of looking down at them and Inline Fab makes different height mounts that are very good quality and stout for all the different presses or at least all the common ones. I have their mount for three of my presses and they're great.

If you have multiple presses but you only want to buy one mount they also have a mount that has a quick change plate so the mount stays on your bench all the time but you install the quick change plate to your press and it allows you to quickly and easily swap presses back and and forth without ever changing the mount that's on you bench. If you use multiple different presses and you're a little more limited on bench space the quick change mount setup they have could be the way to go.

They also have flush fit mounts as well as a variety of things they make. They're a good company that makes a very good quality product.

I’m going to have a continuous surface 10 feet wide, and aim to do my reloading, fly tying, gun cleaning, and other random work bench stuff along it. I suppose the InLine flush mount would be nice if I ever want to remove my lone single stage press. I see your point about not looking down into the press. I guess I need to think about the height of the table top some and then go from there. I don’t want to stand while reloading, and want my legs to be able to go underneath the table top. Trying to avoid the situation where I build my perfect area, then in use decide I’d rather have it another way.
I built this when I moved into this house in 1978. Back then I only had the Honey Bair single stage 12 ga shotshell press and the RCBS RockChucker press for all of my rifle and pistol reloading.

In the mid '80s I got into registered Trap competitions and bought my first Pacific 366 progressive 12 ga shotshell press. About that same time period I bought my Dillon 450 progressive rifle and pistol press.

In the late '80s I started shooting registered Skeet competitions and bought my other 3 Hordady 366 shotshell presses in 20 ga, 28 ga, and .410.

Since I took this picture I've added a RCBS electronic scale.

My biggest problem is keeping the bench surface free of accumulations of stuff!