Reloading Bench Pics! Post Yours!

That’s like the postcard for what they’re supposed to look like. Where’s all the spills and ruined brass?
To answer your question, I’ve since filled the powder dispenser two and a half times with the drain open. So powder spill is mostly behind and under the desk. Had to write on the hopper lid “close drain” so I see it before filling or spilling as the case may be.
Lol, that’s awesome. My poor 10x12 gun/reloading room keeps shrinking as I keep acquiring more crap. I wish they made one of those big roll around tool cabinets with a couple locking drawers for rifles a guy could push under a deep shelf. I need another safe but I need more work space that would kill 2 birds
Here's how mine turned out. Been using it lots lately getting ready for the season...




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Love it. It will reliably get me within 1 granule of powder in 10 seconds or so once I got it set up right.

I based my entire setup on being able to get things done quickly and efficiently while still maintaining good consistency. Time is one of those things I always need more of.
Love it. It will reliably get me within 1 granule of powder in 10 seconds or so once I got it set up right.

I based my entire setup on being able to get things done quickly and efficiently while still maintaining good consistency. Time is one of those things I always need more of.
It looks like a good setup
Here's how mine turned out. Been using it lots lately getting ready for the season...





Do you feel the metal plates add much to the bench?

I just moved and am currently trying to configure my office/gun/reloading room and need to finalize plans.. I like your setup!
Do you feel the metal plates add much to the bench?

I just moved and am currently trying to configure my office/gun/reloading room and need to finalize plans.. I like your setup!

I like them, mainly because I have them tapped and can take the inline precision mounts and my bow vise completely off in about a minute and have a completely flat bench top end to end.

It does have a very small lip, but I beveled the edge of the aluminum so nothing catches. In retrospect, I would have gone thinner aluminum and shimmed it up to flush - it's just slightly thicker than the plywood top I have it set into.
The best investment I made was the inlinefabrication press mounts. They allowed me to use an inferior bench top while ergonomically locating tbe two presses.
On the left is a Dillon SDB, which requires left & right access (9mm,40sw,45acp,44mag), in the middle is a Lee Powder dispenser mounted on a spill plate. On the right is a Lee Classic Turret (223,30-30,308,30-06,270W,45-70), which requires left side access.
The bench top is anchored to the wall. A pool noodle is cut an squished into the gaps to prevent stuff falling behind the bench. The bench itself is a used Craftsman with enough lockable storage for eveything.
I reload in the corner of a spare room in the house.

Reloading Bench
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Mine when I started, 9 months later it’s a bit more messy and cluttered


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I've posted a few photos of my reloading area before but I'm proud of how it's turning out so....

This week I added another Inline Fabrication flush plate over on my other bench that I'll use for an additional workstation and also my bow vise will mount to it.

View attachment 277265

My god crossley. You better not let any of us know where you live with all that R26 and Retumbo in there