Reloading 2.0 Guidance Requested


Oct 21, 2020
After getting into Reloading this past year I would say that if you are worried about cost. Then it’s not the time to start. And if you’re happy with the ammo you currently shoot and can get it. Then buy 10-20 boxes over the next few months and call it good. You’ll be money and a ton of time ahead.
But if you’re like me and want something new to learn and tinker around with then there’s definitely bare essentials that you can buy and keep the barrier to entry a little lower. I purchased a rockchucker kit from RCBS on sale. But if I were to do it again I would piece together exactly what I wanted and not end up upgrading certain things and losing money on the items I upgraded from.


Jul 12, 2023
How good does the gun shoot now? What kind of accuracy are you expecting?
Using basic equipment and technique, if the first load you try meets your accuracy and velocity expectations I’d stop there and just shoot it. Don’t upgrade brass or invest in anything other than standard full length dies (or bushing full length dies) if you don’t need to.

A lot of good information already - some a little hard to understand. lol

Annealing the necks will not only allow them to last longer, it helps with consistent neck tension. That’s about the only intermediate technique I’d encourage you to fit in with an otherwise basic reloading process right out of the manual.
Nov 20, 2021
You're looking to practice at very long range, is that to transfer over to hunting situations?

Since you sold all the equipment five years ago and you're not currently dealing with the issue you want to solve, I don't think there's anything to suggest other than get back in the game with the things that have been suggested here and report back.

However based on your past experience there still could be some things to glean from that.

Can you please share the difference in consistency you are talking about between your hand loads and factory ammo? What metric(s) is/are used for the comparison? I agree, riddled responses or differently worded responses can be difficult to read between the lines. However, we don't have information, IMO, that has been asked for that can help us help you.

For example, and maybe this will help you to help us... is the consistency model for what you want based accuracy, consistent velocity, bullet run-out, other? If it was a velocity issue, at longer range that's gonna show up as an accuracy issue. That speaks to powder choice, charge weight, possibly primer. Lots of things that could enter in that would have nothing to do with your equipment used to assemble the loads.

What are you not able to attain with your loads and what is the level of difference between that and factory ammo?
Nov 7, 2018
You're looking to practice at very long range, is that to transfer over to hunting situations?

Since you sold all the equipment five years ago and you're not currently dealing with the issue you want to solve, I don't think there's anything to suggest other than get back in the game with the things that have been suggested here and report back.

However based on your past experience there still could be some things to glean from that.

Can you please share the difference in consistency you are talking about between your hand loads and factory ammo? What metric(s) is/are used for the comparison? I agree, riddled responses or differently worded responses can be difficult to read between the lines. However, we don't have information, IMO, that has been asked for that can help us help you.

For example, and maybe this will help you to help us... is the consistency model for what you want based accuracy, consistent velocity, bullet run-out, other? If it was a velocity issue, at longer range that's gonna show up as an accuracy issue. That speaks to powder choice, charge weight, possibly primer. Lots of things that could enter in that would have nothing to do with your equipment used to assemble the loads.

What are you not able to attain with your loads and what is the level of difference between that and factory ammo?

To respond to Taperpin and you (can’t figure out how to multi quote).

I should’ve been more clear in my original post.

- My 6.5 was bought after reloading stuff was sold so all it know is factory. Shoots factory precision hunter and Hornady match very well

- I loaded for a 270 and 22-250. 22-250 seemed to shoot well at 100 pretty easily. I actually didn’t continue to mess or test for consistency with the 22-250 for some dumb reason now I think about it. Haven’t shot reloads in that rifle since I shot those first first reloaded groups lol. Shoots factory ammo well as well

- The 270 fought me for a long time, many trips to the range. And when I thought I found a load that shot sub MOA at 100, when I’d go back to confirm it would usually shoot worse. Long range wasn’t good either, likely because accuracy at 100 wasn’t good. Come to find out like Form says, I was shooting too few shots when shooting for groups

- the 270 can be picky which is probably part of my issues when truly to load with it. Only shoots certain factory ammo at MOA at 100. For example it shoot the precision hunter like trap at 100 but will shoot the 130 grain whitetail around MOA

- also tried loading some light loads for a new Winchester model 70 30-06. It’s very light weight and I wanted to it not kick so much. I tried 165 nosler factory and Barnes 168 factory both of which shot poorly. I was loading the TTSX 130 and would one day shoot a .75 ish 3-5 shot group and then come back a week later and it would be 1.25-1.5”. Drove me up a wall because I thought I had it figured out. Turns out after reads Form’s info, I just wasn’t shooting enough shots in the group to see what the group has to offer

- looking back at my load data manual (one thing I didn’t sell lol) a lot of my 3-5 shot groups had an ES of 30+- fps some as good as 12 some as bad at 53 (difference loads/bullets). The factory ammo precision ammo in the 6.5 is +- 35 fps over 8 shot group.

So long story short I’m coming to realize that I caused my own frustrations with reloading. Small shot count groups, changing .2-.3 grains per group, changing seating depth etc. on top of that, other than the 22-250, I was reloading for picky guns

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Aug 30, 2012
Glad you caught it, I threw that in for you. I suppose your next critique will be as the spelling monitor. You seem to know just enough to be a starter reloader, certainly not one to give accurate advice.
Uh, careful pal, you know not of which you speak.


Nov 10, 2023
Enlighten me. And I don't know you but I'll accept the notion we are "pals".
I was responding to OP's remarks, not to a bloviating bully.


Nov 10, 2023
Bigstuck is not being very constructive. For one thing, he doesn't no your rifles chamber. The big boys that shoot PRS, and extra long range UNIVERSALLY FULL LENGTH RESIZE. Again, RCBS Dies are very good.
You already know enough to get started on the right path. Good Luck.

The HILARITY exceeds your "abilities" to "process"...................


Nov 10, 2023
I will direct my comments to OP's remarks; but I have to tell ya, it's discouraging to try and provide salient information when another gives diametrically opposite and possibly harmful "opinions".


Nov 10, 2023
I'm simply afforded the luxuries,of not being forced to guess.

Simplistic facts,trouble many. I've 100's of barrels to reflect upon.

I shoot every chambering cited,in multiple rifles.

Physics isn't personal.................


Nov 10, 2023
Pardon facts,upsetting folks.

I simply shoot a goodly sized herd of 6.5 CM rifles,in both OEM and Custom guise.

I apologize for that being an issue..........
Jan 26, 2017
OP, your problem last time was small group sizes that are inherently non repeatable. Shoot more shots per group and theyll be more repeatable.

anyone who thinks annealing doesn't physically change the properties of brass has a poor understanding of metallurgy. Whether the changes annealing causes matter for reloading or not can be a matter of individual rifles and brass.


Nov 10, 2023
I am 100% convinced Annealing affords an advantage to brass life. Not being wealthy like some I like to extend case longevity. I see that most, if not all PRS shooters Anneal and Full Length Size their competition brass cases. Good enough for them, good enough for me.