recurve vs super recurve... draw effort

I have the timberghost g3SS supercurve and it takes very little effort to hold back, even compared to my brother’s uukhas. The heavy loading early on in the draw cycle was actually fatiguing when I first started shooting it, but my muscles got conditioned to it pretty quick. every other bow I shoot feels incredibly stacky in comparison now. As far as durability i’ve been shooting daily and beating around the woods for pigs regularly for about a year, and I haven’t had any issues despite a few slips and smacks.
I have Border CV9, Morrison Max6, and Uukha VX-1000. All shoot within 1.5-3 FPS of each other, and will shoot the equivalent speed of typical olympic limbs 12-14# heavier. Border is fastest by 1-2fps. Max6 next, and Uukha VX-1000 close behind. Border has most dramatic “let-off” feel and wonderfully smooth draw. Zero stacking. They have been the loudest and have the most post-shot vibration of the 3. Uukha‘s draw very smooth, but have slight stacking right at the last inch of draw. Dead quiet and very little vibration. Max6 is right in between on speed and draw. More like the border, with zero stack, but less “break-over” point into the let-off feel. Just super smooth all the way to anchor. Also dead and silent With minimal tuning and one small set of cat whiskers. I like them all. If I had to choose only one, it would probably be the Max6.
I have a couple sets of the Uukhas.....and had Max5's [for a week] and shot the Borders.

Personally, I didn't like the max 5's. The borders were ok.

There is a big noticeable letoff with these^....I mean its like you will draw and think- WOW. They are a little louder than other limbs and it's noticeable. Its hard to describe why I didn't like them...they just didn't feel as elegant. They are faster for sure.

The Uukhas are similar but a little less hook. They have that softer feel at full draw...a bit of letoff but that doesn't really describe it correctly. I prefer these.

I haven't chrono'd them...but I swear my Uukha Vx's are faster at about 3-4# lighter than my other limbs...and they feel a little better. Now the guy that sold them to me obviously disagrees [he like the top end Hoyt formulas] take that comment with a grain of salt.

I can send you a set of my Uukhas to try for a week if you like.....
I don't trust anyone that says they like Hoyt limbs over anything else, but the newer Hoyt limbs have apparently improved a good amount from their earlier offerings. Most people who shoot Hoyts usually are sponsored or are following the big archers who are sponsored. I don't have anything against Hoyt as a company, but I do think their status as the biggest "American" recurve manufacturer lets them get away with worse QC and higher prices in the domestic market.
I own 4 Border Archery bows one being a Their Longbow the rest are all super curve CV9s and one set of Hex 9s on my Covert Hunter. Im a border guy for life here. Yeah they are louder but you can tame them just like any bow. I have video of me shooting the CV9s I will find it and post it. You can listen to it and make your own decision. Alot of folks buy Border bows then dont read the tuning guides that are essential to setting up the border bows. You cannot go by traditional arrow guides you also need to know how to tune for tiller which will significantly reduce the bow noise. Sid at Border Archery is a solid dude and is a genious when it comes to the science of a bow. If you order a border you need to read the tuning guide and follow the instruction in it. If you do I promise youll be happy with how the Border Super curves perform.
I own 4 Border Archery bows one being a Their Longbow the rest are all super curve CV9s. Im a border guy for life here. Yeah they are louder but you can tame them just like any bow. I have video of me shooting the CV9s I will find it and post it. You can listen to it and make your own decision. Alot of folks buy Border bows then dont read the tuning guides that are essential to setting up the border bows. You cannot go by traditional arrow guides you also need to know how to tune for tiller which will significantly reduce the bow noise. Sid at Border Archery is a solid dude and is a genious when it comes to the science of a bow. If you order a border you need to read the tuning guide and follow the instruction in it. If you do I promise youll be happy with how the Border Super curves perform.
I picked up a set of max 6's used. 50#@29 17"
Got them setup on a 15" wood riser. At first the heavy preload was very noticeable, within a few shots it felt normal.
Super easy to tune. Although I did have to jump up a spine. Once tiller and BH are set, they are quite, I don't put anything on or under the string until I have it as quite as I can get it, then add all the extra quietness stuff. She is VERY quite now.
I have run mine through a chrono once. It was eye opening. Even the compound guys where very surprised.

Durability, well I'm not easy on any of my equipment. The only thing that I worried about was stringing/unstringing. Scares the crap out of me. I get visions of those hooks coming at me every

Suffice to say, I love mine!!

Lateral limb stability was mentioned. Well, I can tell you this. I can be pretty stupid at times. These things just don't seem to care! Very stiff torsionally. Just saying....😁

I started out with hex 9s then a couple sets of max 6s. Really odd dfc for sure. I got my 1st regular recurve coming, hopefully this next week. Currently shooting longbows.
The super curves made settling in very awkward for me, though I was brand new to all this when shooting them. I much prefer the stiffer back end with the longbows Im currently shooting.
Wish I still had my tribute/max 6 set up though just to compare side by side.
I think if I ever get the itch for a metal riser super curve set up again I will talk over a limb with Brandon that gets me absolutely maxing them out so as to get a little stack happening back at 30” if that’s possible. Longs on a 19” riser definitely felt like I had plenty to go even pulling mid 50s
Did you ever get your Max 6 limbs
way late on this reply, haha

i did get the max6's and loved them initially, but they were stubborn for me, and not as forgiving as my other bows, so i got rid of them.

i plan to revisit super curves again in the future... backwoods composites will likely be the route i go... i would really like a 1pc, but we'll see. i have had 3ilf risers (maybe 4, i forget) and i just don't care for ilf's, even though they are so so versatile.... i like simple bows, so that will be the determining factor who's bow i go with down the road when i do hop back into supers.

it sounds like South has some cool stuff in the pipeline too, and if he starts making super curve limbs for the coyote, that's going to be what i get, because i like the coyote riser/grip, but we'll see.

there are a lot of things i really like about super curves, but a couple things i don't, which is mainly how fickle they can be compared to regular profile limbs... we are spoiled these days with so many kick ass options in the traditional archery world.

i'm glad i bought the max6's, they just weren't for me at the time, but i'm always cleaning up my shot all around, so i look forward to round 2 with super curves.

the timber ghost is another option i like
I shoot mostly Hill bows but have read about Border bows and hopefully will at least try one one day. Just watched a video where a gentleman was shooting a 38lb Border with 7.5 grain per inch arrows and getting 215fps wow!
Per inch, 7.5x 28= 210 grain shaft weight
Hm. That number still tells us nothing about how heavy the arrow is, though. 215 fps would be insanely fast if the point and insert weighed around 200 grains, or even 150. But if it had a target point around 70 grains, that's not really out of the norm for good conventional recurves. Obviously border recommends heavy arrows, and the super recurve limb style comes alive most with a heavy arrow, so for most hunters the test wouldn't really matter anyways.
I've always noticed with super recurves that the biggest effort is at the beginning and then the pounds per inch is a lot lower toward the end
I've always noticed with super recurves that the biggest effort is at the beginning and then the pounds per inch is a lot lower toward the end
i personally liked that aspect coming from shooting compounds well over 20 years prior to getting my max6's... i think that front end of the draw cycle gaining fast weight like the super curves, with a little less "hollow" feeling at full draw would be ideal for me (probably like many of the uukha limbs)

my only hang-up with the uukha is being an ilf, and i haven't found a riser i felt like keeping, i think the stalker is the only one i would take a chance on at this point after having a few.... i just like the simplicity of a takedown recurve, which is my loss, because it sure opens up a lot of great limb options. i'm hoping South just starts building super curve limbs for the coyote, because i already own and like that riser, which takes all question out of it...comes down to the limbs, not wondering if part of it's the riser