Ok.. Regardless of bow manufacturer.. What kind of customer service do you think you'll need or get from a second hand bow purchase?I’ll be honest, my buddy had a bad customer service experience with elite that has really turned me off from buying another. His local dealer was helping him deal with it and told him that since elite was purchased a few years back it’s customer service has really gone downhill
The z7 and z7 xtremes are awesome bows.Not really other than as I stated above that I’m steering away from another elite given the CS issues my buddy had with them. Since I haven’t been keeping up with the new offerings just wanted to get a sense of where the best technology has come through in recent years
To all the replies so far thanks I appreciate it
The entire Realm series turned out to be pretty special.A prime Black 3 or 5, PSE NXT 33, Bowtech Realm x or Revolt X, Mathews Traverse or VXR 31.5, hoyt axius. All solid bows with good specs, just be prepaired to ditch the stock mathews grip if you go that route.
I’ll second this. I picked up an Evolve 31 last year (3 yr old) for $350 bare. PSE’s don’t seem to be as common around my area, but they move cheap for good quality.Something from PSE with the Evolve cam. Super smooth shooting bows.