Received the Vaccine today...

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WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
I guess people got scared enough to throw Americans in concentration camps during WW2, so I suppose there is a precedent to go off of for the government to grossly abuse its power.

So, you are saying current restrictions are equivalent? That is quite the stretch. Your point does not even follow from the discussion at hand, so I feel liberated to stray as well.

The current restrictions are mild even compared to things they are similar with in WWII. With people like you we will have to bend our knee to China very shortly because rationing and directing manufactures to only make war material well be considered gross government overreach.

You must despise border restrictions as these limit the free market. You must also be an ardent anti Trumper as tarrifs and trade wars also interfere with free markts. That, or you are making arguments of convenience and masquerading them as arguments of conviction. As desperate as that stretch is to create a straw man from your position, it is consistent with the standards of debate set by you.

The idea that a free market is some how complete separate from government and that no government action should modify it is as irrational as the tree huggar idea that humans are not part of the environment and should strive to avoid any alteration to it.

That said, governments should limit any meddling in markets and only do so when there is a compelling reason, such as border protection. What is a compelling reason should always be open for debate, but that requires a level of nuance beyound the "Thou shall not kill" level that recognizes that killing can be justified (such as self defense and war).


Jun 12, 2012
Piedmont, SD
We have basically the highest rate in the country. At one point in November, 1 in 8 people in the state had been infected. No shut downs and life basically continued as normal here.

It hasn't been any sort of humanitarian crisis. Our healthcare was never overwhelmed, not anywhere close. Like a lot of places the majority of deaths were in long term care facilities or people with co morbidities, as would be expected.

The goal at the start was to "flatten the curve" so as not to overwhelm healthcare. It was s novel virus, we couldn't stop it, just protect the healthcare system. We've done that fine here.

The only problems the healthcare industry had here were self inflicted. Some hospitals couldn't handle the number of patients. Not because there were too many of them, they weren't even close to capacity. They choose to understaff their hospitals capacity to maximize profits. Good business when capacity isn't met. Don't whine about it when you get busy.

I'm friends with several Drs and nurses. It has been trying but nothing near a crisis. None of the ones I know and speak to on a regular basis have a problem with how it has been handled here. I don't have any problem with how it's been handled here.

My kids have been in school uninterrupted for a year. They have participated in all of their sports and activities. Our lives here haven't materially changed. Glad to live where I do.

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Jul 30, 2015
Lenexa, KS
You don't understand the question, but that is not surprising. Wasn't it you that prognosticated this time last year that COVID would only kill 60K Americans?

You're asking the wrong question then.

I'm not sure if that was me. You got a link?
Jul 20, 2019
We see more and more small business storefronts going empty by the week as people lose their livelihoods due to this pandemic and that bothers me. Does halting that sound like socialism? Or support for the American dream?

My dad volunteered for the military although he did not have to and was in Korea for the first 2 years of my life. His dad was at Guadalcanal in WW2. I have an appreciation and a willingness for a level of self-sacrifice for the benefit of the greater good.

Ah, I just saw you were in CA...everything makes so much more sense now.


Jun 29, 2020
Southern AZ
Ah, I just saw you were in CA...everything makes so much more sense now.
:ROFLMAO: It's very interesting how people think in different parts of the country. I have friends in the Dakota's, friends in LA, friends in TX, friends in OR, friends in Denver and man is there a world of difference in the thought process and clear panic from the LA and Denver groups over and above anywhere else. If I reject or question anything they say I get a bunch of hand waving, the sky is falling and "You're gonna die!" notions.
Sep 8, 2019
Wouldn't you rather overreact than underreact?

Initial shutdowns were because we didn't understand how dangerous it was. The rest of this year was the shitshow caused by hysteria, politics, and people arguing about masks working or not. It was a colossal failure from the top down on handling it and we should be worried about the next one that comes. That being said, it was a huge accomplishment developing treatments and very promising vaccines quickly.

I think we can all agree that when push comes to shove you are on your own and shouldn't rely on the gov. Let's just hope that mRNA technology holds true and is found to be safe long term because it will be an invaluable tool for a future viral outbreak.

Overreact and kill the economy, shutdown businesses, ruin families and people’s lives, increase suicide drug and alcohol addiction? Nah I’m sorry that’s just plain stupid and only a completely dumb person would advocate for something like that.

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Jun 29, 2017
So, you are saying current restrictions are equivalent? That is quite the stretch. Your point does not even follow from the discussion at hand, so I feel liberated to stray as well.

The current restrictions are mild even compared to things they are similar with in WWII. With people like you we will have to bend our knee to China very shortly because rationing and directing manufactures to only make war material well be considered gross government overreach.

You must despise border restrictions as these limit the free market. You must also be an ardent anti Trumper as tarrifs and trade wars also interfere with free markts. That, or you are making arguments of convenience and masquerading them as arguments of conviction. As desperate as that stretch is to create a straw man from your position, it is consistent with the standards of debate set by you.

The idea that a free market is some how complete separate from government and that no government action should modify it is as irrational as the tree huggar idea that humans are not part of the environment and should strive to avoid any alteration to it.

That said, governments should limit any meddling in markets and only do so when there is a compelling reason, such as border protection. What is a compelling reason should always be open for debate, but that requires a level of nuance beyound the "Thou shall not kill" level that recognizes that killing can be justified (such as self defense and war).
You are a master of non-sequiturs, I see.


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
You are a master of non-sequiturs, I see.

There is little that I am a master of, so I will take that as a compliment with both hands like a toddler taking a toy.

Humor aside and in all seriousness, have a great day.

Sincerely (well, for the last part),
Jun 29, 2017
There is little that I am a master of, so I will take that as a compliment with both hands like a toddler taking a toy.

Humor aside and in all seriousness, have a great day.

Sincerely (well, for the last part),
Master of baiting...


Mar 16, 2021
Not available where I am yet for my age bracket, and unsure if I'll get it when it is. I'm Not a high risk demographic and the people in my life that are will get the vaccine as soon as it's available to them.

Sure is a controversial subject.


Aug 25, 2015
Overreact and kill the economy, shutdown businesses, ruin families and people’s lives, increase suicide drug and alcohol addiction? Nah I’m sorry that’s just plain stupid and only a completely dumb person would advocate for something like that.
You forgot increased mental illness AND THE CHILDREN!! the Democrats scream about when it fits their agenda? What about the kids locked down, virtual classes with lazy teachers that show them videos? What about the kids mental and physical health? What about their loss of education?


May 27, 2017
You forgot increased mental illness AND THE CHILDREN!! the Democrats scream about when it fits their agenda? What about the kids locked down, virtual classes with lazy teachers that show them videos? What about the kids mental and physical health? What about their loss of education?
Parenting just isn't for everyone these days it seems.


Jun 13, 2020
Got my first dose on Thursday, March 25. I got very tired around five hours after the shot but other than that, that first and second day was good. Then Saturday I became light headed and nauseous...still tired. Sunday, I was fine other than tired. Called my doctor, who is a friend and neighbor, and he said these were normal and I should be fine by tomorrow.

BTW... I only got this vaccine because I did want my wife, who has had both shots, to get a mild case and bring it home. If I died, she would never forgive herself. I have already had the virus and survived once. But, I can tell you, I never want it again.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Good lord guys, can we stay on topic? I'm ready to start a new 'vaccine' thread.

I got first shot Feb 28th--Moderna--and second shot yesterday.
So far so good. Sore arm, wee bit of insomnia and a completed card stating that wife (fully vaxed) and I can get out there and travel etc.

At 57 I've been practical about this virus, but didn't want to deal with this sh t. Enlarged heart/organs, permanent lung issues, etc, etc.
Glad I'm vaxed and hopefully the next few days go well.
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Feb 13, 2017
Good lord guys, can we stay on topic? I'm ready to start a new 'vaccine' thread.

I got first shot Feb 28th--Moderna--and second shot yesterday.
So far so good. Sore arm, wee bit of insomnia and a completed card stating that wife (fully vaxed) and I can get out there and travel etc.

At 57 I've been practical about this virus, but didn't want to deal with this sh t. Enlarged heart/organs, permanent lung issues, etc, etc.
Glad I'm vaxed and hopefully the next few days go well.
Well said Broom. Glad it went well for you so far sir!


Aug 30, 2018
Got the vaccine last Monday (Moderna). Tuesday had a headache all day, Wednesday I felt great. Wednesday night I woke up extremely dizzy and nauseous. This continued all day Thursday. Friday I felt like nothing ever happened. Sure hope shot #2 is better.
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