Rear rest in the field...


May 31, 2021
My son is just turning 12 and has 3 tags for Wyoming coming up. We've been working on his shooting a lot and he's pretty solid prone & I'd say good to 200 off of a tripod. However he's using sandbags under the rear of the gun at the range and we wont be carrying those in the field.

He'll be resting the rifle on a pack for the front, no bipod on there this year.

What do you guys use or would recommend as a rear rest in the field?
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I shoot with a bipod up front and my pack as the rear bag. I’ve also carried some of the lighter bags filled with plastic pellets or beans to reduce weight.
I shoot with a bipod up front and my pack as the rear bag. I’ve also carried some of the lighter bags filled with plastic pellets or beans to reduce weight.

Good Idea, I'll see if I can find some of those and clip them to the outside of his pack.

The small light rear bag weighs only 2.6 oz.

I've also used my down jacket in it's stuff sack in a pinch.
in order of favorites if I know I can shoot prone.
1). hunters wedge - I just strap it to my pack and take it everywhere now.
2). rugged ridge
3). bino harness, jacket, fist, other material
I made myself a rear bag. Very redneck but it gets the job done with my backpack for a front rest
I like to just keep a sweater or jacket in the top of the pack. Pull it out and use that. If you don't have to hike too far bags would work great.
Haven't used them in the field yet, but I ordered a number of bags, and thus far, the Sap Run n' Gun is my favorite. Light weight, but big enough to offer lost of versatility for various positions. I will definitely be clipping one onto my backpack for my Nov elk hunt.

Thanks for the info, got some bags ordered up and will get him to the range with them next weekend.
Good choice. A pound bag carried on day hunts is something I normally carry. The pint sized with git lite is usually strapped to my pack. You can get away with a lot if you can build a solid position, might as well make it as easy as possible. On top of that with the gamechanger you can slap it over your tripod head.
I have use a quick adjustable leather sling by extending it and grab a fist full at the rear and let the stock rest on it. It’s very stable, I practice it on the range all the time and have used it in hunting situations. It’s raining outside so I took some quick pictures in the house.


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I use my pack in the front and my puffy coat (in a bag) in the back or whatever combination of both along with my poles....

Good for you for spending that much time working with the kid... lot's of people don't and that hurts their confidence in the field.