reading recommendations

The Last Season by Eric Blehm. It's about the life and mysterious disappearance of a 28 year veteran NPS Ranger in Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park.
Any of Eric Blehm's books are good - "Fearless" is a must read as is "The Only Thing Worth Dying For"

"Where Men Win Glory" is another great one
Lone Survivor, Unbroken, American Sniper - military biographies (in order of favorites)
My Lead Dog was a Lesbian, A Walk in the Woods - comical outdoors (damn funny books)
Seabiscuit, Shadow Divers - random good ones
Moneyball, Blindside, The Big Short - anything by Lewis is a great read

I didn't love Where Men Win Glory - Tillman is a hero. Krakauer is a liberal.
I didn't love Where Men Win Glory - Tillman is a hero. Krakauer is a liberal.

Liberal or Progressive? You can reason with a true liberal, a progressive hiding behind a liberal in name. They are the true enemys! Not try to start a debate. But his book pretty much told the story how it played out. There are several other books/documentrys that state the same details by eye witness. No doubt Tillman is a hero. But I want to hear the facts, like it or not.
Really - your calling me out for calling Krakauer a lib? He lives in Boulder. By definition, I think that alone might classify him as liberal.

Below is one of several review that describes pretty well what I don't like about Krakauer - in regards to this book.
Glad you liked it, I didn't...

Marc D. Mootchnik (Laguna Niguel, CA USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman (Paperback)

I loved Into The Wild and Into Thin Air. Drawing from his mountaineering and outdoors experiences, Krakauer told engrossing stories. In Where Men Win Glory, Krakauer is clearly out of his element.

He lacks the knowledge of football that sports writers have. While Tillman was a very accomplished athlete, Krakauer's embellishments were a bit too sappy. Krakauer's attempts to write like Grantland Rice or sound like John Facenda nothwithstanding, Krakauer would have been better to approach this part of the book in humbler fashion.

Regarding Tillman's participation in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, Krakauer lacked the expertise of military writers. His description of the battles and life in the military, while colorful, are superficial and fail to give the reader the appreciation that so many other soldiers sacrificed their lives for the same causes. That Tillman gave up a multi-million dollar contract to play in the NFL does not make him a better person or soldier than the many others who enlisted.

Truly disappointing were his gratuitous attacks on the Bush administration. His discussion of the 2000 election was unnecessary as was his scathing rebuke of the Supreme Court in the Bush vs Gore decision. His pointed criticism of the Bush Administration leading up to 9/11 suggested this section was written by Michael Moore and his description of the events leading up to 9/11 were simplistic and lacked the understanding demonstrated by more knowledgeable writers. If one really cares to learn of the roles of both the Bush and Clinton Administrations and other events leading up to the attacks on 9/11, I recommend Ghost Wars by Steve Coll. Indeed Krakauer cited Ghost Wars several times, sometimes inaccurately.

Tillman's story, particularly the military cover-up, is one that should be told. Unfortunately, given Krakauer's gratuitous and inaccurate diatribe against the Bush Administration, it is unclear whether the book expresses Tillman's disenchantment of the wars or Krakauer's. Thus, in the most critical portions of the book, Krakauer's biases undermine his credibility, a fatal flaw when attempting to expose a conspiracy.

There are other books and sources regarding the subjects of this book that are far better. Anyone interested would be well advised to skip this book and look elsewhere. In the future, Krakauer will hopefully stick to the subjects he knows best.
Steve, I'm not calling you out at all. Sorry read to many Glenn Beck books. The word liberal is funny to me.

I was in the military during the 9-11 attack and went to the middle east twice. So I get what your saying about him skimming over day to day life as a grunt.

Krakauer's worst book IME is under the banner of heaven. He went out on several limbs!

Lets get back on track.

Undaunted Courage

Bedford Boys

Band of Brothers

Undaunted Courage for sure!!!

And if you're looking for a good read about my home
Oh Wait, here's some more

And if you're looking for a book that'll last you several trips to Mexico this might fit the bill.
also A River Runs Through It by Norman Maclean, way better than the movie for sure but most definitely the best movie depicting a book that I've ever seen.
All the stories in Norman Mclean's book were good. 3 Novella's/short stories if I remember correctly.

I like most if not all of Micheners books too.

Man, I might have to go re-read some of these.
I give a second to American Sniper and Lone Survivor. I also like the Joe Pickett series by C.J. Box as well as the stand alone novels Back of Beyond and The Highway. I've recently been reading the Walt Longmire series by Craig Johnson and it is pretty good. Marine Sniper is another good read if you like military books.
The Martian by Andy Wier -- its about an astronaut who gets stranded on mars. Its a great action ready.
A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving Pretty cool about a boy and his friend growing up in New England.
A Brief history of everything by Bill Bryson--- Basically it goes from the formation of the unverse through modern computer science and is really good. Anything by bill Bryson is great.
The Dresden files by Jim Butcher-- crime/fantasy series about a wizard in Chicago. Dont let the wizard aspect turn you off they are very fun books to read.
Death in the Long grass by capstick. Just a great read about hunting in Africa.
Lone survivor--- need i say more. The book is way better than the move.