Re-chargeable batteries?


Jun 16, 2012
Colorado Springs,Co.
I bought this hard case of different re-chargeable batteries from Costco. They will adapt to a C cell or D cell with all of the little ones. What I had read on line was they are better than Alkaline because they put out the same voltage until you need to replace them. Making them good for a GPS. I remember one time when my old Garmin E-trex kept telling me to hike down a canyon when I knew the truck was up hill on the road. What are your thoughts?
Not sure on the GPS thing but the rechargeables will have less and less burn time as the age and are recharged.
Though for the right purpose rechargeable is a great way to go.
I ran rechargeable in all my flashlights on my elk hunt this year. They worked great for me because I pretty much just use the red light on my headlamp and only turn on the bright light when I need it. I still used lithium in my gps just because it could be something I need in a life or death situation. Also some gps's use more power than others. The big oregon and Montana burn batteries pretty quick so lithium is the only way to go
I still used lithium in my gps just because it could be something I need in a life or death situation.

I sure hope they work better in those GPS's, because I did a test with my Garmin 60CSx with Lithiums versus regular Duracells, and the Lithium only lasted 3 hours longer. Not worth the price to use them in that GPS.

I use more batteries in the month of September than the rest of the months combined, and I still don't use much even in September. So I really don't worry about what I'm spending on the alkalines. We use a few re-chargeables at home, for hunting it's all regular Duracells except for my camera. My digital camera loves Lithiums, they'll last easily 20 times longer than alkalines.
It's more than longevity with lithiums. They weigh half as much so you can bring twice as many at the same weight as alkalines. So what your really getting is 46 hours of 60CSX use with lithiums at the same weight of alkalines which will only give you 20 hours of use. Well worth the extra cost if your packing camp on your back all day, every day.
I usually don't take extras, so no big deal on the weight. The way I normally use my GPS the two alkaline batteries will last the entire 30 day season.
I use it every day out there for something. But this year was the first year that I actually left it on from every morning to every evening. Normally only turn it on when I need it.

Once I learned to turn tracking off and turn my screen brightness down I got good battery life out of mine. Good alkaline batteries lasted a few days.
A good rechargeable will out do the normal alkaline hands down. You can not get energizer or Duracell and think your money. Tenergy and Titanium both make a battery that is quality. I have had a set of Tenergy for six years and just recently needed to recodition them. I use the light a lot for work so they were charged about every other month or more. Regular batteries lasted about 2 weeks.
The only reason I asked is because with the old Garmin E-trex it was telling me to go where I had the instinct to not go in the dark ..and have been told I am Like a Pigeon. I would not normally use one other than if I am diving into really deep and dark stuff I have never been into. What I had read is if you use the rechargeable ones is they emit the same voltage through the life of the battery vs an Alkaline dropping in voltage and maybe someone that needs it to get back to shelter might be better off? I do like that I can change them out with a fresh set at camp and let the others charge on the solar panel on a pack in hunt or charge them via a generator on a different hunt. I believe I am gonna try them out this spring while shed hunting and document the difference.