Rant - What happened to respect for other hunters???

I’ve seen poor behavior like this LONG before Meateater.

There are rude and disrespectful people everywhere. It’s not just bro culture either.
This. I been hunting for 45 years and rude and inconsiderate behavior has always been present. Not a new thing.
Even on our private whitetail lease we have an issue or two a year with rudeness. Not as bad as public but issue none the less. Much easier to deal with them on private if there is a will to address them. Sometimes its unwittingly but sometimes just poor character.
The locals got us this year for sure. We initially had a rough start, and then when we got away from the original spot we found a small piece up public that 4-5 bugling bulls and a bunch of cows on it. Figured out where they were headed and the next morning got set up on them. Well before daylight, elk bugling all by themselves. Dad and I got set up Had the wind perfect, elk coming in, see antler tips in the pinions 75 or 80 yards away. All of the sudden they took off. After a bit we see two local guys who had snuck in behind us directly upwind of the elk and spooked them. They parked their truck on our bumper and walked around hoping to get set up on them. It happens and its public land, however even as an out of stater we would not do that to people.
“You know, I generally don’t make a habit of bothering other hunters, let alone hiking through the area they’re clearly glassing and hunting.” = I’m ignoring you and walking easiest route back to my truck.
“Hey man let’s see on my phone map where your truck is parked and see if we can find a different route as I’d really like to glass this drainage till dark if you don’t mind” = I’m going the long way around or whatever I can do to help you out.
Starting this off with I wasn’t there… but based on a few extra details from the op it sounds as if the other guy had already been working the area prior to op hiking the ridge top. So the possible hunt ruiner could have been the op? If the guy had covered the area and not seen any deer he may not have cared/thought anything of it to hike back to his truck at that point.

I feel like there is more to the story. Regardless taking a different route would have been preferable for the offender. But he may have been pissed at the op and wanted to prove a point.
Starting this off with I wasn’t there… but based on a few extra details from the op it sounds as if the other guy had already been working the area prior to op hiking the ridge top. So the possible hunt ruiner could have been the op? If the guy had covered the area and not seen any deer he may not have cared/thought anything of it to hike back to his truck at that point.

I feel like there is more to the story. Regardless taking a different route would have been preferable for the offender. But he may have been pissed at the op and wanted to prove a point.
I'm right there with you. If I have been out there all day busting my butt and working a ridge back to the truck, see a guy "hike his butt off" just to hunt the last 2 hrs of light, I'm probably not deviating from my plan. Again, I could be wrong, wasn't there, just going off context clues....

I get to hunt a lot of states and a lot of days and had just about every interaction you could with other hunters, from some literally sh*tting on my truck to a stranger helping me kill a B&C animal I didn't know was there. Nine times out of ten it is just ignorance, they either don't know you are there or don't know better, not malicious or trying to mess up your hunt.
A few exceptions are if a guy seems to know what he is doing and continually pops up on you in the same area, he is probably hunting a specific animal he's already scouted and not willing to leave because you wandered into the area (I don't blame these guys). Then there are the few that are really trying to mess up your hunt or do not care that another hunter is there. In my experience, these interactions tend to happen more in some states than others (CO/UT).
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Starting this off with I wasn’t there… but based on a few extra details from the op it sounds as if the other guy had already been working the area prior to op hiking the ridge top. So the possible hunt ruiner could have been the op? If the guy had covered the area and not seen any deer he may not have cared/thought anything of it to hike back to his truck at that point.

I feel like there is more to the story. Regardless taking a different route would have been preferable for the offender. But he may have been pissed at the op and wanted to prove a point.

Ah horseshit.

Guy has a flatbrim and uses words like dude.

Edit: meant to say bro, dude and bro fall into same category for me
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Same shit happened to me couple years back hunting a wilderness area in CA. The guy literally walked in front of my glass. And in broken English just said " I go here" and pointed to the drainage we were glassing into....
I was still in shock by the time he trampled off in front of us and never had a chance to say something. Even if I did I dont think he would've understood.

This is the same hunt where I had 2 different opportunities at 2 bucks that got blown by other hunters hiking up a ridge being loud as hell. Both times (one in the morning and one in the evening) while I was getting set up on the gun all of a sudden the buck would just spook off and run away at full tilt, and I was left wondering why as I was across a canyon so I knew it wasn't me....then 5-10 minutes later I saw why, couple turds banging around hiking up the ridge like the deer and bear dont have ears or noses.

I pulled out of that hunt the next day, nothing like other hunters to ruin a hunt. I figured out why that spot was so busy that year after I got home. Someone shot a book buck during archery season and ran his mouth, and in turn there was more trucks at that trail head then I've every seen in the 5-6 years of hunting that place
On the flip side... He straight up asked you if it would mess up your hunt. And you gave him a smart ass answer.

Not saying I'da done it, but I Bet he was chuckling to himself about it.
Exactly what I thought. OP didn't do himself any favors.

I personally try not to attribute to malice what could also be attributed to incompetence.

And if you're going to be a jerk, you better be prepared for them to as well.
If anyone has not seen young/old guys, flat brims/wide brims/no brims, beards/no beards, etcetera make dick moves or things you perceived to be dick moves, you have not been out very many times in very many places.

I'd be curious to know how many folks have actually just said something, and called them on their shit. Vrs running home to the computer.
Must of been one a them damn adult onset hunters...

Or... Maybe the guy's dad and grandpa were also inconsiderate.

I have watched more than a few kids be taught to be sky busting dipshits by adults.

I have also been reading vintage outdoor life articles lately. Guys lobbing 600 yard shots with 30-06 and fixed 4x. Just hoping they hit. Shit isn't new.
Yeah I can’t remember a rifle hunt where I haven’t seen/ had other hunters bumbling around. I have learned that it is what it is, especially in Combat hunting Colorado. I want to hunt so I get tags where they issue a bunch usually. Try to use other hunters to my advantage. And usually don’t freak out too much. Lots of times we are all just hunting “our plan” lots of times they are counterproductive to each other haha. I have seen guys walk a drainage I was glass turn walk back out and 30 min later there was bulls or bucks where they had been so I try not to be too doom and gloom. It sucks I get it I wish I could have the woods to myself all the time but it’s just not the way it goes… worst experience by far was turkey hunting actually, had a hot gobbler working in for my buddy and had two other hunters from 400 yards away running towards us, while I stood on the backside of the hill flailing my arms to wave them off… after they blew the opportunity I asked them what the hell they did that for and just shrugged and walked off. People are people man
He said he had to go that way to get to his vehicle. Could have been lying but if not, thats just the way it is. When I hunt public I have a plan of where I am going and if someone happens to be in my route thats just too bad. Someone in between me and my destination is not going to block me from going to where I want to go. Now, I will try and go around them if I can. I dont want to mess up someones hunt but sometimes crossing paths is just going to happen.