Randy ulmers 2012 NV buck

I love how this forum hasn't had any negative comments about Randy's deer and his ability to outsmart a big one pretty much every season... A few other forums are really letting him have it... For why I ask myself.... Jealousy must be the only reason because in my opinion, everyone has the opportunity to do what he does. We live in America, we have the resources available, and with some logical/smart financial decisions along the way, anyone could get a tag. However, he does it with a bow, which I love and so do many others... Everyone that is getting on him about this does not take into consideration that he has to get in bow range of these animals in order to harvest them. He is not shooting them at 5-600 yards (no offense to those who do), he is getting the tag and hunting his tail off to make the best of it.

Great buck and again, I love the attitude on this site, VERY few people post rude comments like I see several other places and that's the best part about Rokslide, everyone is here to help eachother out!

Sorry for my rant... :)

Absolutely!! It is refreshing to see good natured people supporting one another's passion & successes here - truly good stuff & great folks here at Rokslide!

Randy is a close personal friend of mine and I've seen him in action on several hunts. I've never seen anyone work harder or do more to ensure success. He does it by the book and is fanatical about his preparations and routine. He's also the must humble, generous, and nicest guy you could ever hope to meet. Anybody who's taking pot shots at Randy should be ashamed of themselves. FYI - he shoots most of these huge bucks and bulls at about 20 yards even though he's one of the most accomplished target archers in history (which some of you may not be aware of). He could easily compete with the best pros today and still works at it like a champ.

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Yea Randy sux and I hate em! And who the H#LL cares about my opinion! Seriously, All I can say is WOW! Randy is an amazing hunter and one of those guys I'd consider it an honor to hunt with. I totally agree with Nick, this site is refreshing. Mike
Ill admit it im a little jealous, but you will never ever hear me say a bad thing about Randy. I met him on a flight a few years back going to the ata and he was one of the most humble and knowledgeable men I have ever met. Plus he can just down right put antlers on the ground. Congrats on another giant Randy, you deserve it. Daniel
I've only seen him speak on Bowhunter TV, and from that I gathered that he is a very unassuming soft spoken individual. He is a PhD, and I believe a DVM as well, so we know he is smart. His web site has quite a selection of photos of Huge Critters, and one is a little fork horn from what must have been the 80's. That says it all right there. No fanFare, no clothing line no signature series, and no catch phrases. My kind of hunting celebrity.
X2 as what nick said! lots of haters making fan noise on (AT) forum. Remember what I called them nick ;-) haha

Congrats to Randy!
Totally agree with everything all of you have said so far. I look forward to seeing what Randy pokes a hole in every year. That 4x4 from 2(?) years ago was my favorite so far.
I don't have many heros in Archery but Randy is my hero..lol.. The guy is a great shot and just flat out kills some monster deer & elk. I've never met him, saw him at the ATA Show a couple years ago but never had the chance to talk with him since I was busy and he was always talking with someone else.
I have talked "online" with his brother Rusty a few times and he's a heck of a nice guy and always eager to answer any questions that he can...
Did anyone ever hear a final score on this buck???? Rusty told me a couple weeks ago that Randy hadn't put a tape on him but knew he was over 200".