9 years and 3 months
I don't miss it AT ALL, EVER!
As I was, I couldn't see living as I am now.
As I am now, I don't know how I lived as I was.
The truth is, living as a drunk is not living.
Alcohol is a thief!
thief of joy,
of time,
of money,
self respect,
your energy,
your positivity,
and most of all, your future.
9 years and 3 months
I'm 47 and feel better than I did at 37
I sleep better, I have more endurance, less constant pain from inflammation, the list goes on.
I'm at peace! when I was drinking, I was angry all the time at everything for no real reason.
it's a cycle, alcohol perpetuates depression and anger.
For anyone and everyone just making the decision, realize that little voice that calls to you to "just have one" or "try one and see if you miss it"
That is raw temptation trying to pull you back in the trap!
Don't do it for your future self, your wife, your kids, your true friends that support your decision.
Once you can see temptation for what it is, find something to do instead. go to the gym, go for a hike, do something you have to focus on entirely.
someone mentioned triggers. if you always had a drink doing ______... identify those triggers and put something else in its place.
Bottom line is it is a decision to not let it back in your life at any cost.
Sometimes it means letting people leave your life. That usually works itself out because the dysfunction was the bond to begin with.
peace brothers