Quitting Alcohol

Yes, the social scene was awkward for a bit as everyone friends and family when we were hanging out would always have a beer or drink in hand.
Funny thing is when at one of the thanksgiving gatherings after I had quit I got a outside looking in perspective at just how much of an ass I was making of my self by watching everyone else that was drunk that day try and act like they weren’t drunk making asses out of themselves
The outside looking in perspective is really what sold me when I stopped drinking. You just don’t realize how big of an ass you are and how much you are doing nothing but hurting yourself when drinking. Let alone no more days of feeling like crap or being in a fog after a day of drinking. Also improved my relationship with my wife simply by not be cranky and irritable all the time.
As I age, I find that saying no to more things has opened more doors for me. Restraint, moderation, and discipline have been eye opening for me. I wish I realized the value in my 20’s or 30’s. Quitting drinking saved my marriage, and made me a better husband, father, brother, and friend.
Starting my journey. Never had an abusive past with alcohol but definitely had some nights I couldn’t handle it. The last year I have had drinks at home and I can control myself at home but put me in a social setting and it gets out of hand quickly. The wife challenged me to make it a year without it and that’s my goal. This is the start of week 4 without it.
Love when this thread comes up!! Reminds me how far I've come (no alcohol since NYE 2022), yet how far I've got to go.

I'll be honest and will say it's been hard not to have a glass of wine with the love of my life on date night at a wonderful Italian restaurant. It's been hard not having a mimosa with all the wonderful Mothers around me yesterday. It's going to be hard floating down the rivers on our 3 planned float trips and not have a cold beer. Memorial Day and Labor Day will be very hard not to drink while I'm with all of my friends and family on camping trips, playing horseshoes, fishing, hanging by the fire......

Still, I choose to stay sober and will continue to do my best to stay sober. I keep telling myself, once you have one, there's not going to be a reason not to have another, and another, and another. Then I'll be right back to where I was a couple years ago. I really like the newer me, the healthier me, the better me!

For all those on a similar journey, I hope you can find YOUR reason for staying sober and believing it's the best choice for you.
Love when this thread comes up!! Reminds me how far I've come (no alcohol since NYE 2022), yet how far I've got to go.

I'll be honest and will say it's been hard not to have a glass of wine with the love of my life on date night at a wonderful Italian restaurant. It's been hard not having a mimosa with all the wonderful Mothers around me yesterday. It's going to be hard floating down the rivers on our 3 planned float trips and not have a cold beer. Memorial Day and Labor Day will be very hard not to drink while I'm with all of my friends and family on camping trips, playing horseshoes, fishing, hanging by the fire......

Still, I choose to stay sober and will continue to do my best to stay sober. I keep telling myself, once you have one, there's not going to be a reason not to have another, and another, and another. Then I'll be right back to where I was a couple years ago. I really like the newer me, the healthier me, the better me!

For all those on a similar journey, I hope you can find YOUR reason for staying sober and believing it's the best choice for you.
Your post includes all the thoughts I have about drinking and I also choose to not drink. I feel I will be better off in the long run without alcohol but find it difficult to abstain at times. It has been four months today since I drank, a short time period, but I hope to continue with no return to alcohol. Thanks for your post.
Love when this thread comes up!! Reminds me how far I've come (no alcohol since NYE 2022), yet how far I've got to go.

I'll be honest and will say it's been hard not to have a glass of wine with the love of my life on date night at a wonderful Italian restaurant. It's been hard not having a mimosa with all the wonderful Mothers around me yesterday. It's going to be hard floating down the rivers on our 3 planned float trips and not have a cold beer. Memorial Day and Labor Day will be very hard not to drink while I'm with all of my friends and family on camping trips, playing horseshoes, fishing, hanging by the fire......

Still, I choose to stay sober and will continue to do my best to stay sober. I keep telling myself, once you have one, there's not going to be a reason not to have another, and another, and another. Then I'll be right back to where I was a couple years ago. I really like the newer me, the healthier me, the better me!

For all those on a similar journey, I hope you can find YOUR reason for staying sober and believing it's the best choice for you.

I hear you man. Thanks for sharing. When I am
In those situations I just try to remind myself that I’m on my own path, and that I can still be present with all of those people In those situations and events, just that I’m choosing to remain sober as it’s the best path forward for me. Has gotten a little easier with practice for me.

Always free to talk about it if you want some support from someone in a similar spot.

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This is a great thread. Posting here to give myself some accountability. I’ve got a new baby and a stressful job..alcohol used to be a one glass of wine or a beer in the evening, but lately (past few months) I’ve been relying on a buzz to unwind most days. I wake up feeling crappy, don’t sleep as well to begin with, and my althetic/fitness performance is starting to suffer. Finally ready to admit that alcohol is making my life worse instead of better. I want/need to keep my body and mind in top shape to do the things I love, and perform at work. Thankfully nothing bad has happened to my body, legally, or noticeably affected my marriage but I’d be foolish to think that it won’t someday.
The 27th of this month will be 5 months no drinking. I cannot tell you how clear minded i have been and how much i enjoy feeling good. Been to a few events where alchohol was the center piece and i just hung out soiber but had a great time. I placed 14th in a charity texas holdem tournament out of 300 and was sober first time playing poker. As others have stated i wish i made the decision 10 years ago. Keep posting the positives i enjoy reading them.
The 27th of this month will be 5 months no drinking. I cannot tell you how clear minded i have been and how much i enjoy feeling good. Been to a few events where alchohol was the center piece and i just hung out soiber but had a great time. I placed 14th in a charity texas holdem tournament out of 300 and was sober first time playing poker. As others have stated i wish i made the decision 10 years ago. Keep posting the positives i enjoy reading them.

Your last sentence nails it. Obviously with alcohol and giving it up there is often or normally a context of negative outcomes that lead to it. When I gave it up a close mentor really celebrated it; his response was "congratulations! i am so excited for you" and it completely caught me off guard and changed everything for me. I was expecting something like “yeah you really needed to” or “about time”, but instead was shown a ton of grace and encouragement.

By all means, don’t ignore the tough realities that may have lead to sobriety, crucial to remember, but please celebrate and lift up the freedom that comes with it.

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I really love seeing this thread bumped too. 5/26 will be 21 months for me now and there's no going back. I used to LOVE drinking culture. Beer on a pontoon boat, trying every beer on the brewery menu, you name it. Now it seems like a distant past. I bought a 12 pack of Busch Lights for a cookout since my father-in-law was coming over and he likes a few beers. The leftovers are in my garage fridge next to my NA collection and it doesn't bother me a bit now. They'll sit there until the next guy wants one.

I spent all weekend doing a really nice raised garden bed project. Rented a sod cutter, setting bricks in concrete, hauling heavy stuff, and basically busting my ass. It took me two solid days. In the past I woulda drank beer the whole time, because, ya know, that's what you do when doing yard work. I woke up after both days, physically beat but so thankful I wasn't hung over too. Very satisfying.
I have nothing against drinking alcohol and I do not look down on people that partake in the activity. We all make choices for different reasons. I participated regularly in the hobby from 15-40 years of age. It's been over two years since my last drink. I remember my first Olde English 40 as a high school freshman and my last top shelf margarita at El Paraiso in Gunnison, CO. I don't feel awkward in social settings, I'm a grown man. I care about the opinions of my wife and kids. I quit for a few reasons. Primarily because when I would drink, I would do/say stupid things. No DUI's or accidents but, I did spend a night or two in the can for fighting, got locked out of the house and slept on the porch a few times and got more than one ride home in the back of a Crown Vic. I don't want to bring shame upon my family and our name. Also, as I got older, I realized feeling like crap for a few days wasn't worth a night of being a jackass.
Always good to see this thread pop up. Grateful for all of you who continue to inspire me to keep being the best version of myself.

It's awesome to see so many people benefitting from this thread. I never realized how much of an impact this would have when I posted it. I was lost and looking for people who could relate. At the time I didn't know that so many could.

Thanks everyone! One day at a time.
Always good to see this thread pop up. Grateful for all of you who continue to inspire me to keep being the best version of myself.

It's awesome to see so many people benefitting from this thread. I never realized how much of an impact this would have when I posted it. I was lost and looking for people who could relate. At the time I didn't know that so many could.

Thanks everyone! One day at a time.
I'm 100% sure that I would not be 17 months sober without this thread. Thank you.
Recently came to the conclusion I want/need to stop drinking. I've seen a few guys on here say they've been sober for years.

I've been pretty strong willed when it comes to kicking habits, but this one has been a one step forward three steps back one. Haha

Those of you who have stopped did you notice many benefits on your hunts, mindset, or physical shape?
Any tips on the process?
Most definitely.