Love when this thread comes up!! Reminds me how far I've come (no alcohol since NYE 2022), yet how far I've got to go.
I'll be honest and will say it's been hard not to have a glass of wine with the love of my life on date night at a wonderful Italian restaurant. It's been hard not having a mimosa with all the wonderful Mothers around me yesterday. It's going to be hard floating down the rivers on our 3 planned float trips and not have a cold beer. Memorial Day and Labor Day will be very hard not to drink while I'm with all of my friends and family on camping trips, playing horseshoes, fishing, hanging by the fire......
Still, I choose to stay sober and will continue to do my best to stay sober. I keep telling myself, once you have one, there's not going to be a reason not to have another, and another, and another. Then I'll be right back to where I was a couple years ago. I really like the newer me, the healthier me, the better me!
For all those on a similar journey, I hope you can find YOUR reason for staying sober and believing it's the best choice for you.