Quitting Alcohol

Athletic Brewing is excellent. I’ve had a much better experience trying all they have to offer than others like Bravus and Wellbeing. That said, N/As aren’t for everyone, they can be a slippery slope. It’s worked well for me for 6+ years, but you have to know your own trigger tolerance.

I couldn’t agree more about having someone to talk to about it. I can say for certain I wouldn’t be where I am without seeing a counselor that first year.

Best of luck to the OP, and everyone else with similar struggles.
N/A beer is defiantly a slippery slope, especially in the beginning of sobriety.
I’ve always been a pretty heavy sleeper but I do still sleep better. My body feels great but really it was the whole mental thing that changed the most. I look at life completely different now. I see how much time I wasted chasing something that I never should’ve been chasing and I pushed off or could care less about the things that I really should’ve been going after. It disgusts me. Hunting, retirement, traveling the world and living life with my fiancée are the most important things to me.

I didn’t do the AA thing. It wasn’t for me but some people really do need it and it helps millions everyday. I hit a rock bottom and have been climbing out since. Some people can have one drink, put it down and not touch it. But there are millions that can’t do that. For someone to say that addiction is a cop out and you need to toughen up is f*cking bullsh*t.

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Yeah man, I still get urges once in a while but it’s pretty rare now. Work for me is busy and I have enough hobbies to keep my mind off it.

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id have to say my 5 year old son and archery hunting have motivated me to stay away from drinking. being a good father or hunter FOR ME is a lot more fun and I'm way better at it without having to wake up and drink away a hang over.
To the OP! I appreciate you starting this thread, I could spend all day trying to put into misspelled jumble on this topic and I don't know how far down the addition rabbit hole you've got butt ill just say this. ill be 39 in oct and although I'm not a person that dwells on regrets, from about 16 to 35 I beat my self up and wasted so much time ill never get back because of addiction, if you have made the decision to stop on your own before everyone around you starts telling you , you should that's a big win on its own trust me. you'll learn a lot about your self threw sobriety and you find out who your friends are. your sobriety will have to come first even before your wife and kids that's just how it works. and as far as it helping your hunting, you bet your a$$ it will and all the above.

lets keep this thread going!
A couple years ago I layed off the booze for 6 months. Just because.
Definitely slept better.

Same here, I sleep way better and inflammation isn't there when I don't drink. I haven't "quit", but I may have 1 drink a week sometimes longer in between. But I've never had an issue with going stretches without alcohol. Chew on the other hand is a whole different story.....
To the OP! I appreciate you starting this thread, I could spend all day trying to put into misspelled jumble on this topic and I don't know how far down the addition rabbit hole you've got butt ill just say this. ill be 39 in oct and although I'm not a person that dwells on regrets, from about 16 to 35 I beat my self up and wasted so much time ill never get back because of addiction, if you have made the decision to stop on your own before everyone around you starts telling you , you should that's a big win on its own trust me. you'll learn a lot about your self threw sobriety and you find out who your friends are. your sobriety will have to come first even before your wife and kids that's just how it works. and as far as it helping your hunting, you bet your a$$ it will and all the above.

lets keep this thread going!
Thanks, man. I'm really happy it's taken off like this, and seeing the support everyone here has for each other is badass!

I don't have a wife and kids (yet), but I'd like to think when/if that day comes I'll be a far better version of myself.

Waking up clearheaded, and not worried about the shit I did the night before is a really nice feeling. Lol
To the OP! I appreciate you starting this thread, I could spend all day trying to put into misspelled jumble on this topic and I don't know how far down the addition rabbit hole you've got butt ill just say this. ill be 39 in oct and although I'm not a person that dwells on regrets, from about 16 to 35 I beat my self up and wasted so much time ill never get back because of addiction, if you have made the decision to stop on your own before everyone around you starts telling you , you should that's a big win on its own trust me. you'll learn a lot about your self threw sobriety and you find out who your friends are. your sobriety will have to come first even before your wife and kids that's just how it works. and as far as it helping your hunting, you bet your a$$ it will and all the above.

lets keep this thread going!
Man I relate. I partied my youth away into adulthood and I drank while raising my son in a broken home. I really regret that, him seeing me cope with life from the bottle. Alcohol has a way of leading you to destruction.
Thanks, man. I'm really happy it's taken off like this, and seeing the support everyone here has for each other is badass!

I don't have a wife and kids (yet), but I'd like to think when/if that day comes I'll be a far better version of myself.

Waking up clearheaded, and not worried about the shit I did the night before is a really nice feeling. Lol
your on the right track my friend.
Man I relate. I partied my youth away into adulthood and I drank while raising my son in a broken home. I really regret that, him seeing me cope with life from the bottle. Alcohol has a way of leading you to destruction.
Absolutely, I grew up with multiple alcoholics in my family. no matter how good you are at hiding/controlling it kids can see right threw it. Every day is a new day, and its good to feel good!!
Spent about 2 years as a heavy drinker. Would get off work at 9PM, stop at the gas station to get a twelve pack and if I wasn't asleep by 11, I was on my way back to get another one. Breakfast was Vodka and Hawaiian Punch or Evan Williams and Pepsi. I still have no idea how I passed my classes for those 4 semesters.

I met my now wife and gave it up for two years. I drink a beer with supper, sometimes two and in the last 3 years I have only gotten drunk once. Woke up the next morning and remember why I don't do that anymore.

Keep to it OP. People will call you all sorts of things and tell you stupid shit but remember, you are a badass. The key to life is recognizing your weaknesses and staying away from them. The ability to do that makes you strong.
Athletic Brewing is excellent. I’ve had a much better experience trying all they have to offer than others like Bravus and Wellbeing. That said, N/As aren’t for everyone, they can be a slippery slope. It’s worked well for me for 6+ years, but you have to know your own trigger tolerance.

I couldn’t agree more about having someone to talk to about it. I can say for certain I wouldn’t be where I am without seeing a counselor that first year.

Best of luck to the OP, and everyone else with similar struggles.

Thanks for the recommendation on Athletic brewing. Just picked some up to try. Best one of tried yet.

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I don’t post much but this thread motivated me to dig up my password and log in. I’ll try and provide a slightly different viewpoint…..

My dad was an alcoholic. When I was 12 he hit bottom and joined AA. It was rough at first, but there is no doubt the program saved our family and gave me a relationship with my dad. We became good friends and did a bunch of hunting and fishing together among other fun stuff too.

For anyone who thinks they might be an alcoholic and wants to quit, I’d recommend going to an AA meeting….find the old-timers and ask them how to get sober. You will leave with phone numbers, information, and new friends who want to help.

Thanks for getting sober, Pa, I miss ya!
Aaaahh screw it, I've been meaning to join for a while now bc I have a pack to sell but have been putting it off forever. Instead I have topical input for this one so here we are.

Check out the Sinclair Method.
Book here
Forum here

I went through it a few years ago and was able to use it to effectuate some radical changes in my drinking.

The basic deal is that naltrexone blocks your brain's opioid receptors, which for someone with a drinking problem is the hijacked reward system. That first rush of pleasure is your body producing a surge of opiates basically. By blocking those out AND continuing to drink, your brain gets retrained to alcohol no longer providing that rush. Basically Pavlov's dog. It isn't at all like anabuse in that you won't get a negative consequence just a lack of reward. Now most people do feel like crap the first few times which is basically opiate withdrawal.

Take the pill an hour before drinking. Every. Time. You. Drink.

Part of the promise is that once you're brain is retrained, as long as you take the pill you can always have a drink. Which is always one of the big excuses.... Ah what about weddings and funerals and hanging out with the boys? Once done to extinction, that won't really be a big question or issue but for folks just starting out it can seem huge.

Yes it sounds too good to be true. But it works, I don't even ever really think about drinking anymore, I only extremely rarely have a drink (with a pill) and meh. No self flagellation or going to meetings. No cravings, regrets, or trying to white knuckle it.

Regardless, beyond just being there for my family and myself the best thing is just not ever having to think about it, plan around it, hide it...or....puke.

And try hoplark teas, ain't cheap but they have some pretty nice ones that scratch a similar taste itch. Free shipping too, which is crazy.
I quit a few years ago. Generally just feel better all the time. Amazing how shitty you feel after only a beer or two and you never realize until you quit. Only downside has been that once word is out, you'll lose touch with some friends. Not because they do it intentionally, but you won't be invited to stuff because people that drink, drink all the time. I'm an introvert, so I'm okay with it.

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Alcohol can bring out pure evil in people when it’s abused. I watched my father pretty much ruin his life and most things around him with it and he ultimately died from health complications brought on from years and years of being an alcoholic. I myself drank heavily from about the end of high school up until a couple years ago. I did stop it cold turkey for months once after a incident at a bar, I felt great for the 4 months I didn’t drink. As for the OP mentioning waking up in the morning and wondering what happened the night before, I’ve been there and it sucks.
I drink again now but no where even close to what I did before. Few beers here and there or a cocktail or nightcap every now and then. But there are plenty of times I have considered just throwing in the towel, after all we gain nothing from it.
Alcoholism is a horrible disease and anyone who laughs or wants to talk shit about it has never dealt with it firsthand. All of you that have found the strength to quit, stop, squash it or whatever you want to call it, good for you and keep moving forward with your goals.
Sad, some of you folks have no control. Life is better with a drink here and there. Enjoy a crispy beer or a glass of wine or two. It’s good for you.
Wow...I don't know where to start with you. We are all united by our love of the outdoors and I like celebrating that each time I visit this forum so I won't get all pissy.

But. Of course, there's a but....perhaps you have been fortunate enough to not have to deal with the ill effects of alcohol in your life or a loved one's life. That is great. Some of us are not like you. Some of us have had alcohol or drugs absolutely destroy or permanently alter our family life. Why not support a fellow Rokslider brother since he is asking and wanting our support versus posting this type of tripe?

Back to the OP: Good on you bro, I lost 20 lbs just cutting the booze out and that was in a 6 month period. My baby girl being born had be readjust some major things in my life for the better. FInd a good support network, 12 step, etc to ease ya through.
I may be quitting soon myself.

Kind of over wine because I only like good wines and pricey. Bourbon is great but it’s not really adding anything to my life.

I’ve quit a few months at a time and didn’t miss it.

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