Question for the string makers


Nov 3, 2013
What serving size should I use for a Flemished twist 14 strand D97 to fit the Bohing Classic nock 5/16. The 5/16 clasic nock measures .115-.118 in the throat. I need to reserve my string for a better fit and need to order some larger size serving for proper fit. Thanks.
I did a mockup with some.021 serving which is close but still loose. I’ll order some .025 and try that.
I don’t make my own strings but the strings I buy have .021 and have a perfect fit for the Bohning classic nocks on wood arrows.
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I don’t know what size serving is on my jig. The label wore off.

doing a mock up is a good strategy. I back my 12 strand strings servings with four strands of material parallel then the serving fits my noks
I use the 14 strands if D97 with .026, they fit perfect on my nocks. Can’t even tell you what make the nocks are, they are the same ones I have used for a few decades.
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