Probably Going Crazy, But Looking for Suggestions

What does this mean?

What did the dog do?
Short versions; Her bedroom light kept coming on when we thought she was out of harms way. It stayed off once we moved her. Next day found a where a bullet grazed our patio upright outside of her window. We were laying low while the neighbors played with alcohol and firearms.

When she was barely walking she tripped falling face first at some furniture. Wife and I both saw that she should have had severe injury from her neck snapping back. Right before impact we see her being pulled back just far enough to miss altogether. It looked like something out of a movie.
Can you elaborate about this? My wife rented a house when we first started dating that had some really weird stuff happen and we ended up finding some strange black mushrooms/fungus growing in the bathroom behind the toilet. She experienced lots of very odd noises and her cat and my dog staring angrily at stuff we couldn’t see.
I’m not a mycologist, but it wouldn’t surprise me if you lived in a house with a lot of fungal issues if they caused some sort of psychopathy.
1.5 years.

Previous owner lived there for 12 but sold it dirt cheap. Like doesn’t make sense cheap. And moved into a very nice home and property afterwards so it wasn’t like they weren’t making their mortgage. "Said the lord told her to part with the house so getting less than the already ridiculously low asking price was no factor."

Owner before her was in and out in under a year.

Imo, your house is haunted (base on your description).
You said your daughter talks to a little boy (ghost) and "you" yourself have also seen it/him. Your daughter wakes up screaming and crying because of sprit/s in her room. And talked like a 75y/o woman one night. I would be concern. was she possessed?
I would not feel comfortable letting my daughter sleeping alone/ family living in that house. Have your daughter sleep in your room with you & your GF.
You heard the previous owner say "the lord told her to part with the house so getting less than the already ridiculously low asking price was no factor." That tells me she was bothered by the occurrences in the house hence why she sold it cheap just to get rid of it fast.
I would consider.moving.
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I said we wanted the full rollercoaster ride before you disappeared forever!!!

At least have given us daughter crawling on the ceiling OR disappearing dog first. Damn… I got a bingo card to fill man.
I applaud the ghosting puns, but just don’t use phone much over the weekends.


Thursday night we heard something in the living room, checked on it but didn’t see anything. Walking back, I checked on her.

She was wide awake, crying quietly, and pulled away when I tried to hug her.

Said she doesn’t like when the dark man scares her.

Moved her to our room since, no occurrences for 3 nights now.

Also checked under crawlspace, no mold down there.
This is some spooky stuff! Please report back, OP, on any updates, or the ghost, if he has possessed you! (If so, dibs on guns and designer hunting gear…)
I applaud the ghosting puns, but just don’t use phone much over the weekends.


Thursday night we heard something in the living room, checked on it but didn’t see anything. Walking back, I checked on her.

She was wide awake, crying quietly, and pulled away when I tried to hug her.

Said she doesn’t like when the dark man scares her.

Moved her to our room since, no occurrences for 3 nights now.

Also checked under crawlspace, no mold down there.
Maybe she needs to go to sensitivity training.
So…going to preface this by saying most of y’all will probably think I need to be in the loony bin after this, but should also generate some good laughs/stories/and maybe a helpful suggestion.

Of course, we’re fixing to talk about ghost here.

So, GF’s daughter (3) has made comments every now and then going on 6 months about a little boy that will be in her room that just stares at her, never describes him more and obviously we don’t encourage her dwelling on it. Normally totally neutral and just stares at her, but sometimes it seems to really scare her. She probably brings him up once every other week.

At first I thought she just had an active imagination mixed with nightmares, she is only 3 after all. But more recent stuff has us second guessing.

About 2 months back, her dog moved its head like something moved across the living room then started barking its head off. Go to bed. Wake up two hours later with the dog going crazy, camera alarm’s going off but nothing caught on camera, go to the living room and see a human shadow through the front window. Both of me and me GF see it, dog is staring at it and barking. As soon as I yelled for the gun and to call the cops, shadow leaves without setting off cameras. We both thought this was an attempted break in that was thwarted by barking dog and me yelling. Police report was filed, no doubt in my mind all 3 of us saw a person in the window.

Very next night, I saw a kid standing in the door frame. White gown, blond bowl cut. Obviously don’t say anything to anyone about this. Her daughter brings up at breakfast the boy was in her room and scared her.

One or two more situations with the dog doing weird stuff and the GC having one experience herself.

2 weeks ago her daughter started talking in the middle of her sleep like a 75 year old that had been smoking 2 packs of cigarettes their whole life.

This morning she told my GF that she was brave last night and even though the boy tried to scare her she didn’t wake anyone else up.

This afternoon, she started making noise and looked panicked while swimming. Said someone was on the pool ladder trying to get into the pool.

About 20 minutes ago when I started typing this, the light in her room flickered on and off.

Anyone deal with this before and what was the result? We don’t talk about it at all around her and are super particular with what she has access to, so I don’t even know how the concept of a ghost would of been introduced to her if this is just imagination. My gut reaction to all of this is she has a hyperactive imagination, the one night someone actually tried to break into the house, mine and my GF’s experiences were just because we had the idea put into our heads by her daughter.

But on the other hand all 3 of us have seen it at this point. Plus I’m counting the dog, so make it 4 of us
My daughter and I experienced similar situations in a previous home we owned. Several of her friends staying over a couple times did as well. Later we learned from neighbors two houses down that their young son was describing the same thing we were seeing and was afraid to sleep in his bed. It can be pretty crazy.