Probably Going Crazy, But Looking for Suggestions

Wasn’t sure if you were trolling or not but now I’m asking, WHEN AND WHERE ARE YOU MOVING? I believe in the Holy Spirit so I don’t disbelieve in them. Nor do I disbelieve in Sasquatch or 👽, it’s possible.
On another tangent I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, all politicians are honest and they will disband the IRS. I was going to add one other thing but chickened out.
Man I’m gone few days and I miss this :D
Where do you live? Theres ghost hunters that eat this stuff. I’d hunt som3 of them down so they can run their gadgets in your place and see what comes up.
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Best thing to do would be to talk to a local preacher and inv him over for supper and discuss it with him in the home. I also would begin to read the Bible in that particular room every night. But not on a scheduled time frame. I would read the New Testament. Jesus speaks to and drives out many demons and spirits. Reading this will give you courage and a feeling of not being alone. Also, demonic spirits cannot abide to be in the same room as Him nor His words. Do this with conviction .
I am a Believer. I do not just only believe in God, I also accept Jesus Christ as my savior and know that He is the only Way.
when you believe and know the Bible and know that the battle is already won and the end of our days is already decided, it’s a great peace of mind, especially concerning things of a spiritual nature.
I would be moving.

Real or imagined it’s too late now. It’s in everyone’s head. Your daughter is clearly experiencing something terrifying and that is manifesting onto everyone else.

Pack your crap and go to a hotel for a few nights or stay at the in-laws for a week or something.

At minimum pull the kid out of the house and get her in a different environment and see what happens.
As someone who experienced some weird stuff myself, I don't think you're crazy. I'd move a comfortable chair in the kids room tonight and hangout while she sleeps. She's obvioulsy experiencing something, imagined or not and I would want to be there the next time it happened.
Please tell me you’re located in AZ so I can go camp out on your property for a few nights. I don’t believe in ghosts mainly due to I’ve never experienced anything that would make me think otherwise. With your last updates, I view this two ways. One, you’re trolling and an at a boy is in favor for stirring the pot. Two, I would even consider traveling to the next state over to see this for myself.

Also, I’d trust the dogs instincts even before my own.
I would be moving.

Real or imagined it’s too late now. It’s in everyone’s head. Your daughter is clearly experiencing something terrifying and that is manifesting onto everyone else.

Pack your crap and go to a hotel for a few nights or stay at the in-laws for a week or something.

At minimum pull the kid out of the house and get her in a different environment and see what happens.
Might just be the perfect excuse for a camping trip.

As someone who experienced some weird stuff myself, I don't think you're crazy. I'd move a comfortable chair in the kids room tonight and hangout while she sleeps. She's obvioulsy experiencing something, imagined or not and I would want to be there the next time it happened.
Not even gonna lie, I’m currently scared to even walk past her room after dark. But if we try to have her sleep in a different room she’ll wake up in an hour or two and say she needs to be in her room.

What did the dog do?
Dog followed up to the room but didn’t go in, not really unusual though in my mind.

Creative way to get the ole post count up new guy.
This actually got me laughing pretty good. Been here a year, but as arguably the worlds worst whitetail & duck hunter that likes the thought of western hunting but has done zero actual research on tags, cost, logistics, or units I don’t typically have much value to add lol.

Unfortunately not just trying to get the post count up, actually dealing with something either real or imaginary that seems pretty strange.
....if we try to have her sleep in a different room she’ll wake up in an hour or two and say she needs to be in her room.
You're the man of the house, right? If I were in that situation, no options would be offered. If what you're saying is true, why would you allow that to continue by letting her sleep in there alone? Makes no sense to me.

Not trying to be a jerk, there's just no way I'd allow it to continue if you actually believe it enough to ask about it here.
You're the man of the house, right? If I were in that situation, no options would be offered. If what you're saying is true, why would you allow that to continue by letting her sleep in there alone? Makes no sense to me.

Not trying to be a jerk, there's just no way I'd allow it to continue if you actually believe it enough to ask about it here.
I guess since I thought we were all just crazy, it seemed to be a dumb line to hold. But yes, based on the feedback here we need to try that maybe for 3 nights or so and see what happens.
I posted this in the creepy experiences/back country thread, but I'll post here.

I bought a small 2br/1ba house in rural Arkansas to use as a duck hunting camp about a decade ago. My first trip out, I brought my wife and son (first born, almost a year old) to do some work on it and get it ready. My wife and I were pulling carpet, pulling carpet staples, painting, etc. It's after dark, so probably 8pm or later, my son starts screaming bloody murder in the bedroom, he's in a pack and play for bed. We walk in expecting him to have hurt himself some how, but he's staring in the corner of the room fixated on it crying his eyes out. We get him calm, put him back, same thing happens again, same corner. While my wife is soothing him in the living room after the second go around, my jack russell starts raising hell in that room, staring at the same corner. Hair on his back is up, growling, barking. We had to close the door to keep him from going in that room and raising hell at that corner. At this point my wife is freaked out, I am too if I'm being honest. We don't really tell anyone about the experience, it just happened, we moved on.

Fast forward couple of months to duck season. My wife and son aren't there, but I'm in camp with a couple of friends. I stay in the other bedroom, my guest room is the one where everything happened. Sitting around the fire pit, my good friend tells me that he had a weird experience, it felt like someone was in the corner of the room staring at him, never saw anything, but he said it felt like he had eyes on him from that corner of the room. I had not told him my story, he told me that completely unprovoked and had never told me anything like that before or since.

I did learn that room was the master, and I'm pretty sure the previous owner died in there (I bought it from their estate).

Flash forward to 2018. I'm on my way to camp, about 20 minutes away after driving most of the night. A couple of friends are already there (not the same one from earlier), they call me panicking, the house is on fire. They were in that room, some how they woke up before smoke even made it to that part of the house. The house burned up, complete loss that had to be bulldozed. Insurance and the power company did their obligatory inspection to determine the cause of the fire, it was faulty wiring done by the previous owner.
The kid said something was biting her...any marks/red spots/irritation/physical evidence?

Whether yes or no, ever get any bugs in the house? Not trying to discount all your other spooky experiences but as a kid it was a fairly regular occurrence to find scorpions in the bed sheets at my parents' place.
Just remind yourself that there is only the physical universe and that's it. Any and everything that can or will happen within the physical Universe has an explanation to it, without exception. Repeat WITHOUT EXCEPTION!!

In some instances we simply may not yet have the understanding, or, tools to measure this or that phenomenon we think is being experienced, is all.

The gentleman that suggested a continuous recording system is on the right track.

In terms of the little girl, and things she's saying. Yup, imagination, and/or lack of understanding of the world around her, so her doing her best with her limited repertoire of speech and learning to convey what her brain's experience is extrapolating.

The dog barking? Well.. they hear way in the heck better than us.. and ALSO pickup scents way in the hell better than us. You probably just have some night-time visiting critters they occasionally pick up on. That might explain the cams going off and not picking up anything too. Just like when we see pics on trail cam that show nothing in the frame, then the next frame we see a part of an animal, like an ear or tip of an antler.
I had some similar occurrences as a child. Not sure why, no real memory or anything occurred it just started one night. I would wake up to random figures or people standing outside my bedroom door. Spent a lot of time under the bed or screaming for my parents like a baby. It only happened in my bedroom and only at that house. If I slept anywhere else in the house or even after we moved it was fine. Don’t have a solution for you but I can relate. Caveat all of this with maybe I was just a dramatic whimp of a kid but it scared the shit out of me🤷🏻‍♂️
I’d check for fungus in the crawlspace or attic. Put up cameras in discreet locations.
Can you elaborate about this? My wife rented a house when we first started dating that had some really weird stuff happen and we ended up finding some strange black mushrooms/fungus growing in the bathroom behind the toilet. She experienced lots of very odd noises and her cat and my dog staring angrily at stuff we couldn’t see.