PP’s v Secondary Draw

No points are awarded or used in the secondary draw.
Thanks. I noticed a unit I had as a second choice for the initial draw and didn’t draw, is available. However I have no grand illusion I will draw it the second time around either with so many people undoubtedly applying in the secondary draw. I know the chances are slim to none. Even though previously I have drawn the tag as a second choice in the primary draw with no problem on multiple occasions. I guess the good ole days are just that. The good ole days.....
Are non resident and residents in the same pool or is there a %age allotment for NR?

Also if anyone might know if I drew a 3rd season Plo tag can I still put in for a say a unit wide 3rd. So just apply for the better tag. Might have to call FNG on that

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The secondary draw is 100% youth preference, they go through all 4 choices for youths that have applied BEFORE considering any non youth choices…. So there is a chance, though a very very small one.
Also if anyone might know if I drew a 3rd season Plo tag can I still put in for a say a unit wide 3rd. So just apply for the better tag. Might have to call FNG on that

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I would assume that both licenses are list A, therefore you would not. If one is a list B, you could likely get both.
The Secondary Draw should be allocated to residents only. Anything remaining after that goes on the Leftover List - available to Res & NonRes
I am a non-resident, so I repectfully disagree. With the non-res app fee of ~$90 for a small game license that I won't ever use, plus $9 per application, plus almost $700 for my non-res elk license, non-residents contribute a great deal of money to the CPW budget. And that's way before the overall economic impact of bringing money to outfitters, stores, restaurants, hotels, etc.
I am a non-resident, so I repectfully disagree. With the non-res app fee of ~$90 for a small game license that I won't ever use, plus $9 per application, plus almost $700 for my non-res elk license, non-residents contribute a great deal of money to the CPW budget. And that's way before the overall economic impact of bringing money to outfitters, stores, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Yeah. All our nonresident money pays for things like…….. wolves.

I think secondary draw should be residents only, starting with kids.

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Now you’re talking ridiculous…confusing CPW funds with outside donations and voters in the state…the vast majority of that coming in state from Denver and the front range.
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I am a non-resident, so I repectfully disagree. With the non-res app fee of ~$90 for a small game license that I won't ever use, plus $9 per application, plus almost $700 for my non-res elk license, non-residents contribute a great deal of money to the CPW budget. And that's way before the overall economic impact of bringing money to outfitters, stores, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Just like I’m a NonRes in 49 other states and contribute to states when I hunt out of Colorado.

All I’m saying is the residents of Colorado should be thrown a bone because we take in the shaft in all of the draws. ( i.e. 80/20 split and 65/35 split)

In fact the 65/35 split isn’t even that because landowner tags come out out the Resident 65%.
I am a non-resident, so I repectfully disagree. With the non-res app fee of ~$90 for a small game license that I won't ever use, plus $9 per application, plus almost $700 for my non-res elk license, non-residents contribute a great deal of money to the CPW budget. And that's way before the overall economic impact of bringing money to outfitters, stores, restaurants, hotels, etc.
Plenty of tourists these days. The ski resorts picked up on limitEd access didn’t impact business and many resorts are keeping restrictions moving forward to improve skier experience, CPW will hopefully take notice
The secondary draw is 100% youth preference, they go through all 4 choices for youths that have applied BEFORE considering any non youth choices…. So there is a chance, though a very very small one.
Yep when I read that in the regs I decided the 2nd draw wasn't worth the $$$
I agree all secondary draw tags should go to resident youth and all returned tags should go to residents - only for the first 48 hours then open to non resident hunters still leaving plenty of opportunities for non resident hunters looking to get out.

Every year with the debacle that happens - computer crashes and the large man hours needed to sell leftover tags if residents were given preference for the first 48 hours it would be a great solution. Or it could solve both big problems quickly and easily if all returned tags went to residents.. Win for the cpw, win for resident hunters. No reduction in nr $$ in the coffer as all licenses have been sold once. Great change!
No reduction in nr $$ in the coffer as all licenses have been sold once. Great change!
A resident bull tag generates $57 in revenue for CPW. A non-resident bull tag generates $688. In other words, it takes 12 resident tags to generate the same amount of revenue for 1 non-resident tag. And anyone who drew a tag in the primary draw and returns it either gets their money back or their preference points.

This may not be a popular statement to the CO residents, but it's a fact. From a purely financial standpoint, the CPW absolutely needs non residents in order to fund its operating budget. CPW allows a maximum of 35% of licenses allocated to non-residents for elk and deer. Looking at only elk for this example, 87% of the elk license revenue comes from non-residents. Unless residents are willing pay 12x the current $57 elk license fee, the CPW is dependent on the out of state money.