Brother I’m gonna say something else and just consider what I say. Sometimes we don’t know what we don’t know. Not referring to you in general but you’re making an assumption about popular clothing. I’m kinda thinking that’s the way you think, you can’t possibly know how I think right?
Years back I was in remote Alberta. Quads were all over. All of them Honda Foreman. They said being it’s so remote you can’t get parts. The Foreman rose as the most dependable. The foreman don’t break down as other manufactures do. Idk if that’s true but does that sound a popularity contest or a decision based on information?
Now to your clothing, for starters you don’t need camo, not even for turkey. Yea it helps but so does staying still. If for instance Everyone wore carhardt vests/jackets cause they seem to be some of the most rugged, warmest, wind repellent and somewhat rain resistant in a very light mist so many chose them do you call that a popularity contest or a descision based on need? Again no attempt at swaying anyone, I don’t care what ya all use. We just gotta realize we’re only basing opinions coming from our experiences. Your experience here said I must be going for popularity. You think now that’s correct?
It’s not. Maybe in your state they don’t make them as good. I do know some of the guns have differing qualities depending on where you get them. No different than Danner boots. Japanese ones are garbage. American made Kevlar thread, hard vibram sole, I’ve got a pair since early 2000 and use them riding all the time. Keep dragging your boots with cheaper ones and your toes will stick out. Imo it’d be more popular to buy timberlands around here. Good for nothing City boots as far as I’m concerned.
Same with power tools. Certain companies cater to certain niches. You think they’re all competing for the same exact niche? Milwaukee as I said aren’t as torquey. Not their niche. That small battery makes em pretty light though they just don’t last super long and not super powerful. In that case (and I’m only assuming here to show a point) would iron workers or scaffolding guys 40 stories up carry a fuel? Id guess probably not unless they advised differently something I wasn’t aware of. Anyhow boys it’s Sat, my day off no more talk about tools. Hope the op gets what works for him