Powder Measure


Dec 18, 2022
I am just going to start learning to reload. I have a lot of the gear I need but I still need a powder measure. I can get a really good deal on a Frankford Arsenal, but wasn’t sure if I should stay away from this brand. I have heard mixed reviews and any help is appreciated. Thank you
I load mostly center fire rifle and I just use my powder measure to get close to the charge and then trickle into the pan on the beam scale. I’ve used Lee, RCBS, and Redding and for what I’m doing, it doesn’t matter. That said, I do see why the Redding is at a higher price point. I have a Frankfort Aresenal calipers, priming tool, and tumbler and they all work fine.

This works well with all types of powder, and it's good to have as a backup in any case. It's not super fast but gets the job done.
This along with my beam scale and homemade trickler. As mentioned above, it's not fast, but I'm not after speed, I'm after consistency.20230827_121023.jpg
This Gen 5 Lyman powder measure works great and is as accurate as any I have used. I have have the speed set while one case is charging I can seat a bullet and be ready for the next one.


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This Gen 5 Lyman powder measure works great and is as accurate as any I have used. I have have the speed set while one case is charging I can seat a bullet and be ready for the next one.
Have you had any slight over charges with it? Does it work well with ball and extruded? Just asking because I am looking at the lyman.
The Lee Perfect is the best entry-level powder dispenser. Works great with flake and stick powders, but will leak with some ball powders like H335. ~$30.

For about $70 is the Lee SomethingWonderful (forgot the name even though I'm using one). Has a clever direct bottle feature, repeatably accurate, doesn't get hard to cycle with H335. I've loaded 1000+ rounds with the Lee Perfect and a little more than that with the more expensive all metal Lee.

By the way, you'll never know the real "accuracy" with your dispenser and your choice of powder
unless you throw and weigh a string of 20 and compute the ES and SD. Dispensing powder is a system (dispenser & scale) that has variability.
Lee perfect for stick powders, RCBS uniflow with the micrometer for ball powder. The lee is cheap enough I have multiple already set for cartridges just swap out the measure (or drum) the RCBS is easy just to record settings and dial to the correct number. Powder Scale hardly gets used except to check setting prior to a loading batch.
Have you had any slight over charges with it? Does it work well with ball and extruded? Just asking because I am looking at the lyman.
With the larger extruded powders for the first 2 or three drops till it settles in it will vary by
(+-) 1/10 of a grain. this is in a range 35grs up to about 50 grains.
With ball and short cut powders it is on all the time .
I tried some flake powder and it took it a few drops to settle.
I use a powder measure for small stuff like 223.


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