Post season fun!

Jun 10, 2012
Unfortunately deer season is over here in Norther California, so we hit a local ranch in search of hogs. Found a good pod of sows, small boars and some 40# piglets, so we picked our hogs and hit the triggers.

The one on the right is about 145 and 95 left. Good eaters that will shortly be turned into chili verde and pulled pork BBQ.

Sweet Kirk! Wish there were a few of those running in my neck of the woods... Gotta either go north or south 2-3 hours or west to the coast..
Thanks Becca! Other than elk, wild hogs are my favorite wild game animal to eat. This one's gonna be turned into chili verde.

Sounds yummy! Will you freeze the meat to cook in batches, or pressure can your chile verde? Would love to see some pictures and hear how it turns out!
Sounds yummy! Will you freeze the meat to cook in batches, or pressure can your chile verde? Would love to see some pictures and hear how it turns out!

Thanks all! Becca, on smaller game like this pig, it never see's the freezer. I cooked half into chili verde and just wrapped up 8 hours in the slow cooker for some pulled pork BBQ. Not a fan of freezing and don't know squat about canning -though i want to learn. Had to get a few buddies to help eat it all, but they loved it -first time they've had wild hog.