Port Strike


May 1, 2023
Optics were horrible - strike Eastern ports when several Eastern states reeling from a natural disaster. Add that on top of the disaster of a union president. ILA bailed out until January. Meanwhile, ports will be automating the crap out of their operations. Technology is there just needing the incentives - union cut the throats of their members.
Sep 24, 2019
Evidently meme posts can be deleted. Admins, please tell me if I was over the line or if I offended someone…


WK Donkey
Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Eh I agree and disagree with you. I chose the army route, and stayed a public servant. My brother built a smallish company 50 employees , my wife runs a small business and employs 15 people. The balls and iron will it takes to do that is more than I could/ would want to stomach. Jumping out of airplanes, long field problems, deployment and combat were tough, but signing up to pay 50k or 150k in expenses every month before you even think about taking profit is another level of risk that personally I can’t handle. Obviously soldiers and folks willing to sacrifice for the greater good are amazing, but I wouldn’t discount the grind, the will, and the balls it takes to start a company from scratch and just make it work and grow it. They are always working, non stop, no leave, no holidays, stuff goes sideways and it’s only ever on them, oh and they employee people and pay the bulk of the taxes that allow for us to have a powerful military or other public services, just something to think about.
I will not argue on that note, but I have seen enough people draw the short straw trying to make it work that I cannot attribute success to the individual alone.

We are all different, at anything in life there is a mix of skill, grit, and luck that makes it work. Most of us prefer to ignore our own good luck and focus on the skill and grit.

Is there really a value difference between a CEO who works 90 hours a week and takes on personal financial risk and the farmer who makes less, but also puts in 90 hours a week and is in debt for farm equipment and land?

I respect people who work hard and have a solid work ethic, that includes many CEOs. I do not believe the size of a paycheck determines the difficulty of the work.

As long as there is consistentency, I don't have a problem with upper management dealing themselves a nice hand, it comes with the territory. I do have a problem with the claim that they are somehow more worthy than others who work hard.


Jun 30, 2020
All I can find is it is a six year deal. I knew they would not get eight years, and kind by surprised by six. If it is ten years, that's crazy.
Sep 24, 2019
I would guess your assumption is wrong but regardless we aren't going to have them from either side of the aisle.

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Mr, Zuckerberg,
Good guess, wrong azimuth. I’d contest that your aperture is misaligned. But that’s fine, as I’m not a moderator.

However, I’ve spoken with other WKRs who agree with me that there are questionable left leaning posts that are allowed but conservative leaning posts are not popular here anymore. (PM me if you need examples).

You’re obviously on the left side of the spectrum and you don’t allow people of my mindset to post thoughts that you don’t agree with. Which is sad because it doesn’t allow proper conversation.

Point taken, I’ll refrain from posting memes or “conservative based” posts again.


Classified Approved
Feb 8, 2023
Madison, AL
I'm surprised they didn't get more. If I'm an executive why do I care if I'm about to reduce my labor force by 80%+ with automation.
Mar 2, 2019
Has the potential to be extremely disruptive for the Ag market. Majority of chemistry used in the US comes in to ports from China and India. Any port disruption will increase prices and put a severe strain on supply. All this at a time when farmers are facing significant commodity price decline. Not a great time to be a farmer.
Wrong coast! Chemical tech and package come in primarily from the west.
This is affecting container freight! Overwhelming majority of Gulf grain and fertilizer is bulk and is loaded/unloaded by buyers and sellers. However, it takes about 6 days to make up a day lost in the Gulf! That could raise grain basis if this thing draws out long term—which team team harris will do about anything to prevent!
The general uplift from this may actually help US Ag! Let’s hope so, as we have enough to worry about as it is…
Apr 1, 2013
What can’t come in also can’t go out on export.

We are screwed as Iranian influenced Red Sea BS is already causing delays and exponential high prices
Dec 13, 2023
After reading those threats, I would give them their money, pass a right to work law, train new people and fire everyone. No way I would allow a union to blackmail the USA. It's almost like an act of terrorism.
No, this IS an act of terrorism.
"Terrorism" is a threat of physical or fiscal harm or discomfort will occur.

"I will cripple you!" is an outright, terroristic threat!

How any worker can look into the damage that Hurricane Helena caused and absolutely refuse to unload commodities destined to assist those people is one cold hearted s.o.b.!

Winter is coming on, those people need to be able to rebuild or refurbish lodging before winter sets in and one effing "union" is more concerned about their wages than the suffering of the people in the storm path!

What a bunch of lowlifes!

....and the nonstriking longshoremen on the west coast are refusing to unload ships diverted to their west coast ports!

Just like Reagan! Fire 'em all! There are plenty of "illegal aliens" who would be tickled pink to work for half their current wages!