Port Strike

Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Look at this guy going all gangster with his gold necklace.

"Give me what I want or else." Straight up modern-day Union mentality right there. All this is going to do is raise prices to more extreme highs when people are hurting the most. Good job.
I agree. But, at what point does consumer wants and sustainable labor rates meet for a compromise for the greater good.

I am a free market guy to the bone. But, I’m willing to pay more for things if it means a sector of Hard working Americans get a job that pays a family sustainable raise.

I usually don’t get on CEO’s either. But, there’s got to be more to life then selling out so the balance sheet looks good. Or, we are all doomed no matter what we do for a living.
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Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
Our last negotiation was a little rough. It went 2 months past the deadline, but we have a no strike clause. Thank God, because I don't think I could ever honestly strike. We have it pretty damn good, but always want more. The company knows we have it good, but always wants to take more. 50% wages over 8 years seems excessive imo. I get that you are comparing to cost of shipping, but should that really be a comparison?

Has your job changed significantly since the rise of shipping costs? Or do you guys just feel like you deserve a bigger piece of the pie?

1 state away from me, the lineman make 20-30% more than I do. Their COL is also much higher than ours, but ours is starting to catch up. The next 10 years is gonna be interesting imo. I envision a bubble that, at some point, is going to deflate, maybe not burst. I'm probably union in most cases, but HATE the threats and strikes.

I think what keeps us "grounded" more than other unions, is the fact that we have multiple contractors that work along side us and pick up our slack when we can't keep up. They get our shitiest jobs. Knowing that if I quit, those guys would step right it and take my spot in a heartbeat helps me appreciate what I have.
Gheez man, I don’t know you but, I’d sure walk with you down a dark alley. I like your common sense. It showcases a man who truly understands his contributions and what they worth. It keeps you ahead in all sectors of life.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
I've YET to meet a member of ANY union that's not already making a good living at whatever they do. Unions lost me when I watched them pay people $25/hr in 2014, to NOT work, and protest and disrupt a construction job that was comprised of non-union workers.

At some point you have to say "ive got it good enough" rather than "weve got them by the balls, more more more!".

Not speaking directly to you, but unions are notorious for this. Formed in good faith, doing good things, and then poof, making exorbitant demands and strong arming anyone willing to step in and do the work (scabs?).
Well said. It goes both ways.
Oct 2, 2016
West Virginia
To be clear...you mean you believe in keeping your job.

If others downstream lost their job because of interruptions as a result of the strike...that would seem to matter a bit less? If the engineers responsible for developing automation lose their jobs...also okay?
I'm not faulting you for fighting for your job brother, but let's acknowledge the associated "opportunity cost" as it were.

The idea that you are OWED a 50% pay increase over the next 5-8 years sounds laughable to most of the rest of the non-unionized country as that's not based in reality...that's California-type economics in that it's not sustainable.

Just one guy's opinion.

Best post yet.


Sep 26, 2018
I agree with what you're saying. The problem is its not IF jobs will be lost, they will be lost. The hard part is finding the line. I don't agree with everything they are negotiating on so i cannot defend all of it. If all 36 ports switch to fully automated facility's that puts around 60k people out of work. That i don't agree with, in any industry. Do you think when they come out with self driving 18 wheelers the teamsters wont try & fight it? At some point sooner or later none of us need to work. AI can can design your house, forget the architect, trucks can drive themselves, we wont need truck drivers, AI can do marketing, don't need those people any more either. Hell AI can do engineering now too. Like i said im not going to defend everything we are asking for because i don't agree with it all, i do believe in keeping jobs.
How many jobs are created if this 60k go away? People will always be part of everything.

Kinda like the people that say to a wealthy guy “man the cost of your jet could have fed a lot of people”, without thinking of all the peoples jobs that go into building every part of it or maintaining it that feed their families.

There will always be jobs, they may just not be what we all are comfortable with today.


Apr 25, 2020
Our last negotiation was a little rough. It went 2 months past the deadline, but we have a no strike clause. Thank God, because I don't think I could ever honestly strike. We have it pretty damn good, but always want more. The company knows we have it good, but always wants to take more. 50% wages over 8 years seems excessive imo. I get that you are comparing to cost of shipping, but should that really be a comparison?

Has your job changed significantly since the rise of shipping costs? Or do you guys just feel like you deserve a bigger piece of the pie?

1 state away from me, the lineman make 20-30% more than I do. Their COL is also much higher than ours, but ours is starting to catch up. The next 10 years is gonna be interesting imo. I envision a bubble that, at some point, is going to deflate, maybe not burst. I'm probably union in most cases, but HATE the threats and strikes.

I think what keeps us "grounded" more than other unions, is the fact that we have multiple contractors that work along side us and pick up our slack when we can't keep up. They get our shitiest jobs. Knowing that if I quit, those guys would step right it and take my spot in a heartbeat helps me appreciate what I have.
If you quit your job your Utility could try to replace you with a Construction Lineman but that replacement is more than likely not as skilled in the Utility side of Linework. Trouble shooting, company standards book the list goes on. That’s the beautiful part of Linework is we can’t be replaced by WhiteTickets & definitely can’t be replaced by some Joe off the street. Our Utilities are lucky to have us….we’re their Bread & Butter they’ll never say that though…….

I don’t understand the 8yr contract these DockWorkers are going for. Ours are always 3 or 4. There are so many unknows looking 8yrs in the future…..I don’t think 50% increase is that ridiculous brother…You think they would settle on like a 2 or 3 year contract for now & let the dust settle a bit


Sep 26, 2018
Capitalism is great, until you’re the one falling victim to it and paying the price. I’m sure the conversation would be different if we were looking at automating ag, or education, or you name it.

I’m sure this thread won’t disappoint with entertainment.
Ag has been improving with automation quickly and it has been embraced by those that can afford it. Efficiency equals $$ for Ag.


Apr 25, 2020
This is not even kinda true, I work on the docks and have been sitting in on the negations. Our docks are some of the best in the world from a production stand point. Turn off CNN. Very true we fighting against automation. lol I wish they offered a 300% increase in our retirement.
Hey Brother, just curious why you guys are going for an 8 year contract? Is this normal?


Classified Approved
Jan 28, 2023
Hey Brother, just curious why you guys are going for an 8 year contract? Is this normal?
Not at all, I have no clue what he’s doing. The problem is we only have 1 person negotiating for all of us. Most of us are sensible guys who just want a fair deal,
May 16, 2021
North Texas
Automate and eliminate the middle class. Then what? People that say “learn something new and do a different job,” understand that automation means less jobs, not different jobs. What’s wrong with people making a good living? I’m union and would agree that sometimes they overstep, but union employees benefit by having a union prevailing wage in the region. Why no feigned outrage over companies that dick over their employees? If the company is prospering, then all good employees should prosper with it.

With very few exceptions regions that weaken previously strong unions don’t fair very well in the long run.

How do companies dick over their employees?

In an open shop, they make an offer, you deny or accept, really simple. If you sign up to be dicked over, you will be. That’s on you, not the company.

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May 16, 2021
North Texas
500 million dollar bonus?! The disregard for common folk is just getting completely out of hand. You only get a bonus of that size and proportion if you've been compromised and have cut some throats here and there along the way. Makes you wonder.

Really? How big a company is Maersk?

Bonuses in general are incentive based and negotiated up front with clear expectations of what is required to earn said bonus; especially at the levels we are talking here. If he held up his end of the bargain, he deserves every penny.

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Feb 9, 2024
How do companies dick over their employees?

In an open shop, they make an offer, you deny or accept, really simple. If you sign up to be dicked over, you will be. That’s on you, not the company.

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I've seen many stories where an employee automates their own job, or a higher ups job and then the company fires whoever jobs were automated.

Take that as you will.


Jun 30, 2020
Not at all, I have no clue what he’s doing. The problem is we only have 1 person negotiating for all of us. Most of us are sensible guys who just want a fair deal,
Just like all negotiations, go for 200% and hope to get 30%. 8 year contract is way out of the question. I would think they will end up with three year deal. The big problem is automation, it's coming and there will be no stopping it. Best they can hope for is to have a gradual automation introduction.
May 16, 2021
North Texas
You sir sound entitled.

Your obviously worried about the financial impact it will have on you, but who will worry about the living wages for dock workers if they don't do it themselves?

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How did you get that from his post?

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