Polaris atv mechanics on here??

Jan 12, 2021
Upstate NY
Long story kinda short, I have a 2003 polaris sportsman 700 that I’ve had since new. I upgraded the ignition system 15 years ago and it had been great. Battery was weak last winter and I put a jump starting charger on it and let some smoke out from under the front grill. Got pissed off and left it there since. It’s been under cover of a lean too shed on the back of the garage, so out of the weather. I am trying to diagnose what I let the smoke of. Put a new battery in it tonight and it cranks over great everything electronically on it seems to work but no spark. Headlights, kill switch, starter, winch are all functioning. Tried a new coil and didn’t seem to make a difference. Cdi box? Trying to not replace the stator again. Let me know what you think. Headed to bed so I’ll see what you guys come up with in the morning. Thanks.
If you got smoke, something should show it. The regulator/rectifier would be my first look.
Man they can be a pain in the ass.
I had a 2006 800 Sportsman I finally got tired of it not cranking and just got rid of it.
If you had smoke you burnt something up. there are some tests you can do also to trace wires etc which is what I had to do.
A lot of it goes through the left hand switch assy.
I found a guy on Polaris ATV forums that walked me through what I needed to do step by step.
Might try there. The guy owns a repair shop in IL and knows his stuff.
Does it have fuses in it. If you smoked a grounded out wire it should have blown a fuse. And help you diagnose what circuit it was.
No fuses on this one that I can find. It has the self/resetting circuit breakers. I'm hoping its the voltage regulator smoked on the ignition circuit.
My 2006 700 Sportsman has a few fuses inside the front rack box, below the headlight. A few 20's, a 15 and a 6 Amp. Don't know what they control, but it may be helpful to check them.
I had the rectifier go bad on my 2004 700. Same thing. Its mounted on the front frame cross section under the hood plastic.

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New Voltage rectifier and new coil. No dice. Took the cdi off and found this….. new one arrives Sunday. Fingers crossed.


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