Planning a once in a lifetime sheep hunt

If money wasn’t an issue, I’d do both!
Is the terrain in British Columbia different than Alaska. Thought BC would be greener and Alaska Dall sheep country more barren. I’m not certain of the difference in terrain.
I’m leaning towards Dall sheep right now. If I find a way to make extra money, I’d go for Stone.
You can’t generalize very much about terrain unless you get specific as to area vs. area. AK is twice or more the size of Texas as is BC.

Generally the areas in BC where Stones are found is timber with high alpine above. Similar to southern Yukon but the country changes as you move further north.
AK has it all too. I’ll say it again because I don’t think it can be said often enough: unless you have absolutely solid info from a reliable source known to you - I would stay away from AK for sheep right now. Finding a good hunt there is like navigating a funhouse with mirrors right now.
As a resident sheep hunter in Alaska, I would also say if you are going guided go to Canada. Sheep numbers are down across the state and it seems like every drainage has a guide in it these days. If you are spending big money, go to Northwest territories where you will have a much better chance at an old ram.
You can’t generalize very much about terrain unless you get specific as to area vs. area. AK is twice or more the size of Texas as is BC.

Generally the areas in BC where Stones are found is timber with high alpine above. Similar to southern Yukon but the country changes as you move further north.
AK has it all too. I’ll say it again because I don’t think it can be said often enough: unless you have absolutely solid info from a reliable source known to you - I would stay away from AK for sheep right now. Finding a good hunt there is like navigating a funhouse with mirrors right now.
This advice is exactly why I came to this forum. Never would have known to avoid Alaska right now and that would be an expensive mistake.
Thank you
Great ram! Was that from 2024? I know two of their clients in 2024 didn’t see a legal ram on their hunt.
Thank you! Yes 2024

I knew that one client did not see a legal ram, one of the guides told me that. I had not heard that a second client did not see a legal ram.
I talked with 3 other sheep hunters at the lodge before/after my hunt and each of them was successful
I would look to maximize your success incase it's your one and only sheep hunt. With that in mind, I would do an NWT dalls sheep hunt.. You'll be somehwere between the AK dalls and BC stone price but have better success rates than both, while also still having a great experience.

Each NWT outfit has their pros and cons and happy to provide my opinion of those if wanted.
I would not avoid Alaska. What I would avoid are the outfitters who prioritize money/bookings over hunter opportunity by continuing to take more hunters than their area can realistically provide for. Two AK outfitters jump to mind; one who has been 100% on opportunity over the last three years (because they take very few each year), and a second who was five for six in 2024. I also know several people who went to the Yukon and to the NWT in 2023 and 2024 who returned without ever finding a legal ram or firing a shot, so be careful with the narrative that "Alaska is a bust and Canada is a sure thing."
Probably too late for this year but anyone not familiar or experienced with sheep hunting would benefit from going to Sheep Show in Reno. Can talk to outfitters and other hunters. See what sheep fever does to people! Starts in a couple days Jan 16-18, 2025
NA sheep prices have become ignorant and almost can say there is a level of price gouging going on. Maybe consider an international sheep hunt? A proper snow sheep hunt for example will be similar as NWT experience at 1/2 the cost.
I would look to maximize your success incase it's your one and only sheep hunt. With that in mind, I would do an NWT dalls sheep hunt.. You'll be somehwere between the AK dalls and BC stone price but have better success rates than both, while also still having a great experience.

Each NWT outfit has their pros and cons and happy to provide my opinion of those if wanted.
Definitely want your opinion! I’m still at least a few years away.
Between two screaming babies and a full time job, it’s tough to start the planning. Might actually try a caribou hunt first to see if I even make the grade. The city might’ve ruined me.
Probably too late for this year but anyone not familiar or experienced with sheep hunting would benefit from going to Sheep Show in Reno. Can talk to outfitters and other hunters. See what sheep fever does to people! Starts in a couple days Jan 16-18, 2025
Wish I could go.
Definitely want your opinion! I’m still at least a few years away.
Between two screaming babies and a full time job, it’s tough to start the planning. Might actually try a caribou hunt first to see if I even make the grade. The city might’ve ruined me.

My only thought is if a sheep hunt is really the goal dropping 10k + or - to go caribou hunting is only going to push it farther out. Not to say that a caribou hunt wouldn’t be an awesome fulfilling experience; just that it all adds up and could push your goal farther out.

I get it with the kids; mine were 6 - 4 - 2 when I went. Wife was and is a saint for being on board with it.

Hope you get the chance to see it through. The lead up to the hunt was almost as equally fulfilling as the hunt itself.

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My only thought is if a sheep hunt is really the goal dropping 10k + or - to go caribou hunting is only going to push it farther out. Not to say that a caribou hunt wouldn’t be an awesome fulfilling experience; just that it all adds up and could push your goal farther out.

I get it with the kids; mine were 6 - 4 - 2 when I went. Wife was and is a saint for being on board with it.

Hope you get the chance to see it through. The lead up to the hunt was almost as equally fulfilling as the hunt itself.

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It would definitely push the hunt further out. At the same time, dropping 40k on a hunt and not having any clue what it takes is also daunting. Especially if the sheep hunt is a one time deal.
My kids are 30 months and 11 months. They’ll still be too young next year to leave my wife alone with them. But she’s a saint as well for letting me entertain the idea. The goal is to start saving and planning now. I’m getting so much great information now.
I second @schmalzy I probably wouldn't dump the cash on a caribou hunt, just as a trial run. A sheep hunt and a caribou hunt are entirely different things. There were a couple of guys in camp this year hunting caribou and it sounded like a relatively easy hunt. Both were done in a couple of days and could have been done day 1 if I remember correctly. I took a caribou as a secondary animal after my sheep and it was vastly different than my sheep hunt. If your target animal is a sheep I would book that and if you can add on a caribou I would for sure! Take this with a grain of salt though, I have done 1 sheep hunt.
Can you bring your own freeze dried and other foods with you on these hunts? I’d like to avoid being sick from peak fuels. It would suck to spook a ram because I couldn’t hold my farts in.
I second @schmalzy I probably wouldn't dump the cash on a caribou hunt, just as a trial run. A sheep hunt and a caribou hunt are entirely different things. There were a couple of guys in camp this year hunting caribou and it sounded like a relatively easy hunt. Both were done in a couple of days and could have been done day 1 if I remember correctly. I took a caribou as a secondary animal after my sheep and it was vastly different than my sheep hunt. If your target animal is a sheep I would book that and if you can add on a caribou I would for sure! Take this with a grain of salt though, I have done 1 sheep hunt.
just getting to hunt in Alaska or anywhere in the north country would be a blessing.
I’m a bit all over the map right now. Doing my best to come up with the funds and saving every year. If the sheep hunt doesn’t come together for 40k then at the bare minimum I’d go caribou hunting just to experience Alaska. As of now I’m only an east coast whitetail hunter.