Place to get eyes on a bunch of scored antelope...

Judging Pronghorn to within an inch or two is challenging, determining a worthy one for your tag is not likely going to be.

They are one of the more fun animals to hunt and unique, they taste great despite some crazy claims I have heard.

Don't put pressure on your self or over think it, enjoy and good luck!

Oh and when you get into Wyoming you will not have any issues finding Pronghorn to look at!
While I don't disagree with that perspective, I would like to shoot the "best" buck I can. One aspect of "best" for many folks includes the horn size along with the intangibles that we value. It is also my decision of how I define my hunt, not yours.

I have a lot of time to hunt and I'd like a goal (and for sure not shoot a little one because I don't know any better, I'd also like to not pass up on a great mature buck because I didn't know any better). I waited a long time building points to earn the tag. Additionally, I paid an ungodly amount of money for the tag (compared to what you pay). Were I to stay a nonresident of WY, I would likely not draw that tag again under 90:10. It shouldn't be a surprise that in this climate where WY goes out of it way to limit nonresidents for resident benefit and is asking them to fund that change that I'd want to get the "best" buck for my buck.

Not that you have my answer, I'll also say that I don't appreciate you crapping on my thread.
Shoot the first one you see with no black on their neck. They will be huge!