Wow, crapping on your thread, lol.
Made a simple suggestion but hey take all the time you want to look over some bucks and try to learn how to judge them.
Best of luck to you, hope you get a nice one.
Like I said go by some taxidermy shops to get a realistic look at what is getting taken. Best bet would be by your hunt area to get a view of what may have been taken from that very area.
My advice would be to look for something with horns more than twice the ear length at least and the prongs above the ears also. Bases bigger than the eye is also a good measure of mass.
Good luck, I got my book buck many years back and had no clue what he scored until he was down. Mass is deceiving so looking for length only will not do it. He was mature to my eye, big body and nice mass that was clearly obvious.
I hope you have a great spotting scope for glassing , binos can get tiresome for your eyes .