Anyone running a Trijicon Huron 3-9x on a 700LA?


Sep 17, 2018
Hey guys, I'm in the process of building a long action 700. While I'm waiting on my barrel I'm trying to get my other ducks in a row.

Purchased a Trijicon Huron 3-9x40 on Black Friday for it, struggling a bit trying to find a mounting solution. Been searching the web, but this seems like the best place to ask.

Tried some Leupold Backcountry ring mounts (medium), they're very close to fitting, however there isn't quite enough clearance between the base of the rear mount and the power ring. Considered adding a bevel to that rear base, but it's going to be tight.

Considering ordering some Talley mediums with the front extended ring, but don't really want to order another set if I'm going to run into the exact same problem.

Before I go filing down some new rings; does anyone have one of these scopes mounted on a 700LA and would be willing to share their setup?