Pistol in a tent...

For a boat based fishing deal a stainless, well cleaned revolver is a good option. Probably not the most reliable, but well cleaned is the key. You'll have it close. Not opposed to semi auto's either.

Chest holster 357, and a big gun loaded next to the tent.

From our trip in august into the brooks.
I line up the tritium night sights so I can see them easily. They help a lot actually in a pitch black tent. After watching a grizzly jump out of a bear trap and turn around and start looking for the human that had been there, I am not real sure anything would help if one jumped on my tent.
I line up the tritium night sights so I can see them easily. They help a lot actually in a pitch black tent. After watching a grizzly jump out of a bear trap and turn around and start looking for the human that had been there, I am not real sure anything would help if one jumped on my tent.

Agreed. I think that if one came in, in the middle of the night, and jumped on your tent while you were fast asleep, you’d be pretty much f***ed, no two ways about it. Or at least I would be.

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Tritium 3 dot, to be fair the XS big dot works better for my eyes behind a light at night.. less intrinsic accuracy but not fighting which dot to focus on.
Not that you can't see the sights.. but bring up the pistol on target slightly off axis like ur aiming at something moving.. and you'll find it sometimes hard to place the right dot between the 2 rear sight dots.