Picking who shoots 1st Elk???

We flip a coin the first day and alternate opportunities after that. However if the animal provides a better shot opportunity for my partner, he takes it. We consider it a success no matter who shoots it. It is all part of the fun.
For calling during archery, we usually alternate who is the shooter vs. the caller every set-up. For rifle or spot & stalk archery it's usually whoever sees it first or has the shot opportunity. I really don't care too much though- as long as the team gets an elk down I'm happy.
Doesn't really matter... Flip a coin if its archery elk.. Whos calling or whos shooting.... What really matters is we get him on the ground....
If I'm with somebody, I always let them shoot. I like seeing my buddies shoot stuff. Eventually, we'll find some in terrain that nobody in their right mind would go after. My turn!
I'm a way better caller than my partners. I think they like it that way, as I always wind up in the back. :D
Decided last year to hold out for a mature bull if there wasn't one I wanted to shoot just called for my buddy he will shot any elk worked great the couple big boys we got on he backed up and let me go for it and I'm getting great knowledge working bulls for him

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Bill and I usually pull sticks when hunting together. Rock paper scissors sounds good though, probably quicker than getting the sticks together.
I usually am with son by my side and let him crack it. If he's not along I have usually a high school kid thru 25 years old. I plop them down and I like to drop back and call to drag bull right past them. Excites me as much as them. One year nephew had chronic cough and nobody wanted him anywhere near the kid. I didn't care because he would not quit. An hour later I dragged bull right past the kid who I put 100 yards in front of me. I was so overcome with emotions for the kid Noone wanted to be with, I could not talk for 20 minutes.

That's awesome! Love it when doing the right thing works out that way!!!
Here's what we do. Alternate days on who shoots first, flip a coin for the first day. If there's a herd, the guy on the left shoots at an elk toward the left, the guy on the right shoots at an elk near the right edge. (Learned that when 2 guys shot the same elk out of a herd of fifty.) Guy who shoots first lets other guy know he has a shooting solution, does a 3-2-1-bang. After bang, guy 2 can shoot.
This year I'm going with a guy who's never done it. No matter the setup, he gets the first shot. I've taken a couple elk. But I can do long range and he can't, so certain scenarios I'd take the first shot long or set up to take one long if his stalk doesn't work out.

I second the team concept. In 2011 I was successful in a bow hunt in the Missouri Breaks of Montana. My buddy who had hunted with me the whole trip helped pack out the meat. It was 85F and miserable. I got the antlers but I gave him half the meat.
Interesting topic and nice to see the responses. This has been a touchy subject for me and my partner. Archery elk. 1st year we rotated on each calling sequence who was the caller behind and who was the "shooter" up front. No shots all week, and oh well. The next year, first day, a cow comes down the hill to the trail we are calling from and I am closer so I shoot as he would have had to shoot over my shoulder. Insert excuses here. no dead elk. Next, somehow he assumes that makes me the caller and him the shooter for the rest of the week since I had my shot. The 3rd year we draw sticks the first day and agree that one will be shooter till noon, the other from noon till dark, then the next day rotate it. He is shooter in AM, no sightings, just after lunch I get a shot at a bull, (that I actually called in as he sucked at calling again), insert MANY excuses here, no dead elk again. Suddenly I became the assumed caller for the rest of the week again. I felt as though I might as well leave my bow in camp and save the weight. Of course I didn't as you never know how a bull will enter a set up so I was always ready just in case. I guess he felt he deserved to be shooter for the rest of each trip. My point is, discuss this better with your partners. I am going to have to this year before our trip. If he gets a shot on day one, am I the shooter for the rest of the week? Hopefully he will work on his calling more this summer. Again, discuss this before the trip, so that it doesn't become an issue during the time that you are supposed to be enjoying so much!
I guess if I was hunting with someone that I had to worry too much about it, I'd be looking for a new partner. If your buddy is as interested in your success as his own, and vice versa, I don't think it really matters that much.

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Your welcome in my camp anytime and I would gladly pack your elk out for ya. Best answer of the thread IMO.
We split up and for each is own. If we were together, I would play the game "I win...you lose". Just kidding.

If you have some good, like minded hunting partners a simple coin toss will get it done. I am happy when my group is successful.