BTX Extender Worth It?

Worth it is pretty subjective based on budget and use. I have one with btx and 95, with the right light and conditions you can see very good a long ways away. It's a pain to split the eye peice/objective to put it on and changes the balance point further back requiring more tension or a longer arca plate. When the light is low or heat waves are bad the image quality is reduced enough that it's better without it.
No, it’s not worth it in my opinion

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Works well in the early mornings - otherwise the heat waves as the day heats up makes it pretty useless.
I came across someone that is using a BTX with two doublers paired with each other for 3.4 magnification instead of 1.7. Has anyone else heard of this or tried this?
Not worth it, I got one when I got my 115 btx, don't even pack it with me. Have used it like twice, makes the image very dark, only useful trying to count points at distance. But I can usually tell if something is worth going for without it.
I came across someone that is using a BTX with two doublers paired with each other for 3.4 magnification instead of 1.7. Has anyone else heard of this or tried this?
So, that's not how that works. These things multiply, so it's 1.7x1.7 = 2.89x zoom.

You'll notice that it's much darker immediately but it does work. It also makes all of the above issues worse.