pick my powder

Loaded CFE223 extensively in my ARs for IPSC. Meters well. Found it ultimately to be too temperature sensitive to my liking. Was shooting 55 grainers FWIW.
Varget is hard to beat. With normal throated chambers and even some with extra freebore, i haven't been able to stuff enough in there to get to pressure but I know I'm close. Typically I start noticing seating depth inconsistency from the amount of powder before anything else.

I havent had luck with CFE 223 in anything and I've tried it multiple times.

That's just my experience though.
Yep, CFE is not a good accuracy powder with heavy bullets for some reason. It works better for light bullets.
Did you find a good load for this? I just took mine out to the range and couldn't get a 5-shot sub MOA group with 73gr ELDM and Ramshot TAC. The best group had maybe 0.5 MOA if I took out a flyer, but it can be better. I seated 0.020" off the lands like I would in my 6.5 CM rifle. I tried the following charges:

I didn't see any pressure signs at the highest charge, so I might go higher? I also have a CTR magazine so once I shoot these 73's , maybe I will switch over to the 75gr since I can load longer. I'm sort of committed on the TAC powder for a while before I can try something else. Any ideas for anyone else?
Did you find a good load for this? I just took mine out to the range and couldn't get a 5-shot sub MOA group with 73gr ELDM and Ramshot TAC. The best group had maybe 0.5 MOA if I took out a flyer, but it can be better. I seated 0.020" off the lands like I would in my 6.5 CM rifle. I tried the following charges:

I didn't see any pressure signs at the highest charge, so I might go higher? I also have a CTR magazine so once I shoot these 73's , maybe I will switch over to the 75gr since I can load longer. I'm sort of committed on the TAC powder for a while before I can try something else. Any ideas for anyone else?
Going with varget and tmk 77 but I haven’t shot yet
I decided to make these loads, no results yet.
All once-fired LC brass, trimmed to 1.750".
Winchester SR Primers
73gr ELD-M
Seated 2 depths, 2.260" COAL and 0.020" CBTO off the lands, for me, its 1.880"
TAC Powder Charges:
24.5gr (there seemed to be a consensus on this weight around different places)

If I can't get a good group, I might just spend the extra and get the 77gr TMK since I see more data on that from searching around.
Just picked a tikka 223 with a 22 inch barrel. Will be testing out 75 eldm and 77 tmks. I have some varget but am thinking CFE 223 may be a good pick with slower burn rate since these are heavier bullets.

Open to suggestions!
What is your barrels twist rate? My 1-8 didn’t seem to like the eldm’s. says on the box for 1-7.

As far as having to get a different mag, just use the stock one. Pull it apart and take some material off of the back where the case head hits, however much you need to get the loaded bullet to fit properly, then glue in a plastic strip back which was removed. It’s simple once you do it, then you get to keep the factory mag.