Pick my Next Binos

I find the 42’s to be the best balance of weight and bulk vs performance. In almost all legal light the 42’s show me what I need. All the 50’s do is gather more light. You’ll get a little brighter view at the edge of legal light. That said , I know some much better hunters than me who prefer the 50’s . Razors are mediocre glass at best imo. Yes , I’ve used Razors right with my EL’s. This past fall I was standing next to my friend who had brand new Razor 10x42 HD’s watching a big herd of elk bunched up in a field a little over a mile away. I was talking about the two bulls and he kept asking me where they were. I finally handed him my my Swaro’s and his only comment was “oh” . Despite my Swaro’s giving up 1.5 power to his tens he could clearly see the the antlers with my Swaro’s that he couldn’t see with his 10x HD Razors.
I think I'm sold on the Swaro's. I think those are what I've always wanted anyway. I'm just trying to decide between 42's and 50's. Do they ever go on sale?
10x42! Slc's! had the razors and sold for the slc's and never looked back. Use for everything, wish I would have gotten 20 yrs earlier. Also had the Razor spotter and went to the Swaro, IMO its considerably better in the heat of the day and low light conditions. Worth the extra and I won't be upgrading for a very long time.
Don’t count out Meopta’s. I just got a pair of Meopta ‘Meostar B1 10x42 HD off Camera Land at a great price. To me they are comparable to slc’s at a fraction of the cost. They may not exactly be Swarovski level quality but they are very close. I live and hunt on the East coast and don’t see 10x as too much. It’s actually quite nice have a little extra umph when you get to glass larger fields. They also have the 1/4x20 adapter.
Don’t count out Meopta’s. I just got a pair of Meopta ‘Meostar B1 10x42 HD off Camera Land at a great price. To me they are comparable to slc’s at a fraction of the cost. They may not exactly be Swarovski level quality but they are very close. I live and hunt on the East coast and don’t see 10x as too much. It’s actually quite nice have a little extra umph when you get to glass larger fields. They also have the 1/4x20 adapter.

I like the fact that the Swaro's seem to hold their value longer. I read a post once and a guy said just buy the top tier glass initially. It will save you all of the depreciation value that you lost buying and selling mid level glass over the years.
I have 10x42 Swaro SLC's and Vortex Diamondbacks. I have done numerous side by side comparisons with the two along with friends Razor 10x42s, Leupold 10x42s, and Zeiss 10x42.

In my opinion, none hold a candle to the Swarovski's. The only reason I keep the diamondbacks if for a pair of decent binos in the truck and when a buddy needs a pair.

You can get a pretty good chunk of money off of the Swaro's if you use all the tools available (Active Junky, Cabela's Gift Cards off Ebay, and wait for a 10% or better sale is the way I got my SLC's for under a grand)
Yeah I'm just trying to decide between the 10x42 and the 12x50. I don't have a spotter yet either so I'm debating between 10x42 and maybe a spotter/15's or just got with 12's and spotter. It's tough because a lot of guys say it's really hard to go wrong with 10x42's but on the other side guys say the 12's are game changers. I really don't like holding up my 10's and glassing and probably glass from a tripod or a rest 80-90% of the time.
Well thanks to you guys I found a pair of 1 month old Swaro 10x42's with Outdoorman stud installed with the tripod mount. Great deal. I'll let you guys know how I like them. Hell, i may even get a pair of SLC 15's or a spotter now!