Picaridin 20% vs 100% Deet?

May 22, 2013
Western CO
Does anyone have real world experience with Picaridin vs Deet? I'm heading to Alaska and want to bring the best stuff possible.


i have used 100% deet. in cambodia.

kid you not. i dropped a few sprinkles on a dude boat seat, and it etched the upholstery..i cannot imagine its all that great on the skin. BUT..neither is malaria. we slathered that stuff on. it worked.

never tried the other stuff.
All I can tell you is the Picaridin works on trees and shrubs for getting rid of bugs. Last year when I went to Alaska I bought the Deet..Jungle Juice from REI and never had to use it. Last two weeks of the moose season. Bugs were not bad..only saw them first night. Bob.
Yeah, 100% Deet works, but it's hell on plastics of any kind, and I agree with boom, can't imagine it's good for you. I'm sure the guy that I bought the used GPS from would agree, and I know he uses the stuff, I've got his crystal clear finger print etched into the screen of the GPS to prove it.
DEET works well but it is bad on monofilament line and traditional wood bow finishes so I hate to get it on my hands.

During bow hunting season I usually use Picardin.

I just got back from Alaska (POW island) and we used Ultrathion lotion (extended release deet, not 100%) in the morning, washed hands well then used Badger Balm all day. Bugs weren't too bad. They seemed to be the worst when the fish were biting so no cared.
I have a bottle of both now. I'll use myself as a test dummy on our trip. Half/Half one day and then over lap the two to see if they enhance each other or not. Rather deal with snow then the infamous Alaska state bird.
Have never tried picaridin, so would be interested to hear how it works. We do carry a small bottle of Ben's 100% deet on almost all of our summer and early fall trips! but don't always use it. Definitely keep it away from your rain gear and anything else plastic like. Reasonably sure it's not good for you, but sometimes the bugs get so bad you would rather get cancer from deet than get eaten alive by Mosquitos.

A lightweight head net can help preserve your sanity as well, just make sure it's the finest mesh available to keep out the white socks and noseeums.
The Pic based stuff really just started hitting the shelves around here this year. I used it this summer a couple times, and it seem to work, but the bugs weren't anywhere near peak levels.

DEET always works, but certainly has all of the drawbacks mentioned. And the headnet isn't a bad idea if swarming bugs bothers your sanity. I'm pretty immune anymore, but I've seen people go screaming crazy from the non-stop attack, even if they aren't getting bitten.

Sometime in late July/early August the bug population on the North Slope drops off in a big way. However as early as you are going I wouldn't count on that having happened yet.

YK, thanks for the heads up. We will be around the Lupine river area (fairly far north). Hoping for some colder weather to kill off some bugs or wind. Will try to stay mostly covered from head to toe, but I'm sure they'll find a way to drive up nuts. Head nets will make the pack list. I'll update this page with our experience with the two side by side. Hoping Picardin works well so we don't have to use the other ever again.
Never too far north,, worst bugs I have ever seen have been on moose hunts above the Arctic Circle. The White Sox, get bad and seem not to be deterred by even 100% deet. Therma Cells work well as does a smokey fire. Have a very smart friend that recently quoted a study that found anything above 33 percent deet was over kill. I use and carry Ben's 100 % but it has started giving me a rash, so I need to find an alternate way.
Any of you AK folks mess with treating your clothes with Permethrin? I know down here it is used more as a tick and chigger defense but I would imagine it could have some benefits. I know that I am a buffet for bugs when in AK and they really like to land on the edges of clothing and hats to feed. I will sometimes have a distinct line from the bits right along the edge of a collar or sleeve or hat.
Did a quick paddle at the oke this am was warned the yellow flys are bad so sprayed up good with bens 100% before launching mostly on clothes and hat because had the canon with and did not want any issues. Was not bothered at all for entire three hours. The last batch of bens looks a little different maybe just packageing or did they tweek the product? Been using the stuff for past twenty years or more.
Permethrin must be wicked stuff, I used to have a little room off the back door of the house that always filled with flies.
I sprayed around the door frame with permethrin and it was still killing flies a year and a half later that were landing on the doorframe!
I've sprayed my clothes with permethrin then done a Kodiak trip and you can watch the skeeters land on your arm and fall of dead...

I like it better than Deet.................. when I am somewhere with a lot of mosquitos i usually wear my PVC HH raingear so it doesn't get wrecked.
Permethrin works great. We used it on a camping trip to northern,mn in the boundary waters. Spray your clothes with it and give it enough time to dry before you wear them. Preferably a few days and it worked like a charm. We also used 30% deet for exposed skin and it worked well.