Physical prep for season

LWA-How old are you? Perspectives change as we log many years of elk hunting. What I did for training at 3x (or thought I needed to do) is different today (As I knock on the 6-0 door) No one size fits all approach.

My year around approach is a mix of endurance (cardio days) and strength days. Once the snow is gone, pack training is integrated into my week. The month prior to season, a few hikes will be heavy weight (To remind my legs and brain what a heavy load feels like)

My training approach enables me to elk hunt every day in places that might hold elk. Every meat packout has sucked, but it is a good suck. I know how long I will suffer (~ 2 days) and I know it will end with elk protein in the back of my truck.

I'm 36. Definitely not the same guy I was at 26. I don't really lift heavy anymore either.

The thing is, the animals weigh the same and the mountains don't get smaller just because we age.

My training approach is pretty similar to what you describe.
The thing is, the animals weigh the same and the mountains don't get smaller just because we age.

Which is why I quit beating the shit outta my knees, hips, and back hauling 50 lbs and more. No doubt 50 lbs is a realistic load when hauling meat (I've hauled double that plenty of times), but that doesn't mean you should pound your joints into oblivion through the repitition of training. I'll save that for when an animal is down. When i was your age i thought exactly like your posts suggest. Like Z said, I'm guessing you will back off over time. With age comes wisdom...

Ultimately LWA (and all), whatever works for you is great. Good luck this year.