I workout three times a week at 4 am before I go to work to keep my body strong, flexible and confident to do some of the most simple things such a putting on socks without a back spasm, lol. At 54 yrs old now, I have had two surgeries on my L-5 disc in the last nine years so I can't afford to not stay in shape and give myself the best chance to live life enjoyably. Everyone is unique in what they can/cannot handle or push through on the mountain. Each year I learn what hurt or what made the hunt tougher than it needed to be and I work on that area in the off season. I do a 3-6 mile ruck each Sunday with 40 lbs. which I greatly enjoy as it has become a wonderful stress reliever from my overly stressful job lately so there are great side benefits too. Don't neglect to eat quality home cooked meals too.