Photography- one photo a day


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Congratulations man. Adopting is the way to go.

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I was honestly a little reluctant for us to take him, just because we both had / have so much going on, and if his fracture didn’t heal with medical management…. It was going be rough for us even with my connections to have an ortho plate his jaw if needed … we could do it, but the past year we’ve had more going out than in….

Luckily the man up stairs blessed us and it healed just fine with a muzzle acting as a splint and grueled food for 6 weeks … only worked as it was one sided and closed fracture .

But he really wasn’t a bad puppy, he was honestly better behaved than my Chessie for his age. We figured out anytime he would go bananas was for whatever reason due to extreme separation anxiety. She works from home 90% of the time, but if she has to go in town, the little fart immediately runs downstairs to my mother in law and sleeps on her couch until one of us gets back home.
This was him after his fitted basket muzzle came in
Poor guy had to wear the Hannibal lecter mask for 6 weeks