Photography- one photo a day


Leon is being euthanized today. He has cancer in his mouth and it’s growing bigger everyday. He can’t chew anymore.

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Well wishes to you. Hurts my heart reading this. Ryan is right. Dogs are awesome! Humans suck (for the most part).

Leon is being euthanized today. He has cancer in his mouth and it’s growing bigger everyday. He can’t chew anymore.

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So sorry to hear of Leon’s passing. It is so hard to see them go so soon. Almost seems unfair that they only get a short time on earth compared to us.

Have you heard of the Rainbow Bridge? A friend sent me this when our last dog passed away. It gives me comfort.


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Leon is being euthanized today. He has cancer in his mouth and it’s growing bigger everyday. He can’t chew anymore.

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I know how you feel Brother, Friday our Molly had to cross the Rainbow Bridge too. She was 14yrs old. Lots of great miles with her. There is a hole in our home. Even the cats and our young Lab feel it. Hope she is playing with Leon


Reminiscing and sharing a past early September ten-day float through a totally remote part of our state...never saw another person from put-in to take-out. It was #2 of five floats on this river and the best wx.

Image below is pausing to look back up-river with gratitude before hiking a couple miles to the take-out lake...
Thumbnails below are looking directly across river, down river and behind me...
A couple of images along the way on that float...
And it's fishing heaven...
Sorry for a few re-runs guys...well over a hundred inches of snow has fallen at my house this winter and not going away anytime soon...looking back at past and forward towards new adventures is therapeutic right least for me! :)